Title: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: Chechem on February 05, 2012, 05:25:13 AM Quote There's no way to sugarcoat this suggestion. The only way to raise the question is to ask it straightaway. Is Nick Saban doing to Les Miles what he did to Urban Meyer? http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/02/could_les_miles_be_nick_sabans.htmlIf there wasn't a precedent for this kind of thing, that would be a stupid question. If Saban hadn't hastened the downfall and departure of one national championship coach at Florida, it would be foolish to believe that he could push a national championship coach at LSU to the brink or nudge him toward the door.... Several people already suggested this in threads posted here on CRS. But, unlike Urban Meyer, Les was already standing on the ledge of insanity before being processed. LSU would have melted down long ago, except for outstanding play by talented athletes (who overcame poor coaching all year and most of last year). I think Les is really nuts. Several writers who visited with Les in Baton Rouge before the BCSNC wrote that they thought his antics were drama for the cameras; nonsense. He's just crazy, and CNS has pushed him off the ledge. Title: Re: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: McBaman on February 05, 2012, 10:33:24 AM Really not much depth of thought in this Scarbo piece. Very surfacy thinking. Obvious stuff.
Still, I have wondered since the beatdown in the NCG if LSU would go the way of Texas after they were pounded by Bama. IMHO, that is still an open question. Title: Re: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: MLB10 on February 05, 2012, 10:50:25 AM I think the Gunnel Kiel dis by Miles was telling. It was a Mack Brown Meltown move...but I think Mack never sunk that low to dis a 17 year old.
Title: Re: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: Merk on February 05, 2012, 12:07:15 PM I think that there may be more problems in Whoville than we may know at this point.
Recruiting, Les being more peculiar than usual, and rumors of dissent on the team lead me to believe that serious problems may exist. :popcorn2: :tinfoil: Title: Re: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: ricky023 on February 05, 2012, 01:56:16 PM Time will tell. I know CNS teaches these young men to become a good man. He also wins and ran Coach Meyer out of Fla. I personally think he is really after Coach miles now for doing and acting the way he does. RTR!
Title: Re: "Is Les Miles turning into Nick Saban's next victim?" Post by: bama87 on February 05, 2012, 02:46:36 PM I think Les has gone down the crazy road one too many times. I think recruits have figured him out.