Title: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on February 07, 2012, 03:47:31 AM http://blogs.ajc.com/recruiting/2012/02/05/dalvin-tomlinson-speaks-out-on-alabama-grayshirt-scandal/
BY Furman Bisher Quote (http://blogs.ajc.com/recruiting/files/2011/12/Dalvin-Tomlinson.jpg) Dalvin Tomlinson, who picked Alabama over Georgia Tech and UGA on signing day, was not connected to the Crimson Tide’s “grayshirting” scandal, according to his coach. Two longtime Alabama commitments (both recovering from knee injuries) were told only weeks before signing day by Nick Saban that they couldn’t sign with the Crimson Tide this year. Both were given the option to “grayshirt” or delay enrolling at Alabama in 2013. Meanwhile, Darius Philon is the “story that won’t go away,” according to a Sunday column by al.com’s Mike Herndon. Philon, a defensive lineman from Prichard, Ala., injured his knee toward the end of his senior season. •The moral of this story: If you commit to Alabama, it’s safe unless you get injured or Alabama has the opportunity to upgrade at your position before you officially sign the paperwork. •Kevin Scarbinsky of the Birmingham News: “Call me cynical, but there’s no question that Philon and Taylor were more committed to Alabama than Alabama was to them when better players lined up to take their place. And yet, despite stories like Philon’s and Taylor’s, an awful lot of prospects can’t wait to play for Alabama … What does it all mean? When Saban’s process is good, it’s very good. When it goes bad, Alabama goes on, and some young men go away.” •Al.com’s Mike Herndon: “All verbal commitments are non-binding, even from coaches who claim to be “old-fashioned” and believe “a commitment is a commitment.” On Wednesday, Saban praised the players who had stuck by their commitments to Alabama in this year’s class, calling it “a positive thing for us in terms of managing our recruiting this year.” What his actions have told future recruits, however, is that if you get hurt, that commitment isn’t necessarily a two-way street.” •One thing that might’ve been overlooked by many from the Justin Taylor story was the conversation between North Atlanta coach Stanley Prichett and Chris Rumph, the Alabama assistant in charge of botching Taylor’s situation. When they talked on signing day, Rumph apparently was putting pressure on Justin to make a decision for Feb. 2013 — which is a year away. Said Prichett: “[Rumph] asked what Justin was going to do because they wanted to go after some other people.” Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Chechem on February 07, 2012, 04:40:25 AM Like I said on an earlier thread, if Darius Philon was such a worthy recruit, why didn't Auburn offer him a scholarship. He had committed to Auburn at one time. Instead, the Aubs spend their days stirring the pot and giggling, hoping to undermine CNS over the issue. Philon was damaged goods; everyone agrees that his knee needs rehab, and he likely can't play for a year anyhow. Plus, CNS apparently told Philon that he wasn't being offered a scholarship this year. Call me silly but it's a business, a business decision, and Philon wasn't the product originally advertised. :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on February 07, 2012, 04:49:21 AM I saw your post earlier.
The AJC paper is still calling "Saban is the devil"! Furman Bishers. Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Chechem on February 07, 2012, 04:54:57 AM I saw your post earlier. The AJC paper is still calling "Saban is the devil"! Furman Bishers. So, they couldn't make anything stick on this story so they reverted to the kid's photo (of disappointment) instead. I feel for the kid too, but you don't win championships by giving scholarships to kids who don't rehab their injuries and don't make their grades. It's a two-way street. Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Jamos on February 07, 2012, 06:00:37 AM Personally, I don't think this kid will ever play college ball. His background raises a red flag and then this injury that should have been taken care of already. At the best, he might get in a Juco somewhere and play for a couple of years but I just don't see the self discipline from him to manage himself, without the interest of CNS who else has any for him.
Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: First Down Alabama on February 07, 2012, 06:28:19 AM Personally, I don't think this kid will ever play college ball. His background raises a red flag and then this injury that should have been taken care of already. At the best, he might get in a Juco somewhere and play for a couple of years but I just don't see the self discipline from him to manage himself, without the interest of CNS who else has any for him. I agree! Somehow they will blame everything he does the rest of his life on CNS. Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: 2Stater on February 07, 2012, 07:02:48 AM Through Toxik and AlTideUp's posts, we all know the real truth. That is the only thing important to me. CNS, because of his success, is always going to have his detractors and that will continue for as long as he is successful. Those writers don't know the real truth, nor do they care to. They are only interested in peddling their yellow journalism for their own selfish reasons. They should be ashamed of themselves, but that's just the way it is, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: lstephen on February 07, 2012, 08:30:33 AM I'm not quite sure who first characterized this as a "scandal" but it strikes me that they were looking for a perjorative term (they found one) to describe a legal practice that they don't like. Watergate was a scandal. Offering someone a free college education is not!
Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: McBaman on February 07, 2012, 09:45:52 AM This greyshirt stuff is going to come up every year, and, I predict, will get worse if NCAA adopts a hard 25 max signees rule. Such a rule will make roster management very tricky for ALL schools. Kids that get injured in their sr. HS season, especially knee injuries, will be to some degree damaged goods.
But therein may lie the solution, either NCAA will loosen the rules to permit some number of greyshirts related to injuries (say 2 - 3, i.e. above the 25), or, more schools will start greyshirting (due to roster pressure) and it will become common practice. Title: Re: Dalvin Tomlinson’s connection to Alabama ‘grayshirt scandal’ (UPDATED) Post by: Toxik76 on February 07, 2012, 10:10:20 AM EVERY one of you this that posted this morning NAILED IT good job guys