Title: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on February 07, 2012, 09:24:12 AM http://www.mgoblue.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/020712aaa.html
Quote Feb. 7, 2012 ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Due to an extremely high level of demand, the University of Michigan Athletic Ticket Office announced today (Tuesday, Feb. 7) that the University's allotment of tickets to the Cowboys Classic against Alabama is sold out. Michigan received just less than 25,000 tickets for the football team's 2012 season opener and sold out before a public sale could take place. "We have received unprecedented interest in tickets for the Cowboys Classic game with Alabama," said chief marketing officer Hunter Lochmann. "The demand is on par or greater than our athletic department has ever seen." SC needs to put a countdown clock to the September 1st game. Tickets for LSU-Oregon last year were $200 and up! Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 07, 2012, 01:30:04 PM http://www.mgoblue.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/020712aaa.html Quote Feb. 7, 2012 ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Due to an extremely high level of demand, the University of Michigan Athletic Ticket Office announced today (Tuesday, Feb. 7) that the University's allotment of tickets to the Cowboys Classic against Alabama is sold out. Michigan received just less than 25,000 tickets for the football team's 2012 season opener and sold out before a public sale could take place. "We have received unprecedented interest in tickets for the Cowboys Classic game with Alabama," said chief marketing officer Hunter Lochmann. "The demand is on par or greater than our athletic department has ever seen." SC needs to put a countdown clock to the September 1st game. Tickets for LSU-Oregon last year were $200 and up! I almost did that right after the BCS game, but I thought it might be disrespectful to the basketball and baseball teams. I may go ahead and do it any way though. Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: BAMAWV on February 07, 2012, 01:42:50 PM http://www.mgoblue.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/020712aaa.html Quote Feb. 7, 2012 ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Due to an extremely high level of demand, the University of Michigan Athletic Ticket Office announced today (Tuesday, Feb. 7) that the University's allotment of tickets to the Cowboys Classic against Alabama is sold out. Michigan received just less than 25,000 tickets for the football team's 2012 season opener and sold out before a public sale could take place. "We have received unprecedented interest in tickets for the Cowboys Classic game with Alabama," said chief marketing officer Hunter Lochmann. "The demand is on par or greater than our athletic department has ever seen." SC needs to put a countdown clock to the September 1st game. Tickets for LSU-Oregon last year were $200 and up! I almost did that right after the BCS game, but I thought it might be disrespectful to the basketball and baseball teams. I may go ahead and do it any way though. Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: MLB10 on February 07, 2012, 02:46:38 PM I want 5 tickets to this thing. Are they up for public sale yet? Dallas is only 3 hours away and I'd love to take my sons to this. Sorry but I've lost one to Mississippi State I have to pull out all the tops for the twins to be Bama fans :D
Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: SUPERCOACH on February 07, 2012, 03:53:56 PM I want 5 tickets to this thing. Are they up for public sale yet? Dallas is only 3 hours away and I'd love to take my sons to this. Sorry but I've lost one to Mississippi State I have to pull out all the tops for the twins to be Bama fans :D A few more crystal footballs will take care of that. Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: MLB10 on February 07, 2012, 05:18:19 PM I want 5 tickets to this thing. Are they up for public sale yet? Dallas is only 3 hours away and I'd love to take my sons to this. Sorry but I've lost one to Mississippi State I have to pull out all the tops for the twins to be Bama fans :D A few more crystal footballs will take care of that. Unfortunately he loves an underdog. His favorite cartoon is Charlie Brown. He fits right in with them in Starkville. He did try to start a lil' somethin' with me once. He tries to hurt my feelings when he gets mad by saying he loves Mississippi State and not Alabama. I fussed at him over that saying family is before football and he's not gonna smack talk to family unless they are playing each other that day. I don't talk crap about Auburn to my brother-in-law....not gonna have my own son talking smack to me. I did take the opportunity at The Lodge in Starkville to show him a shirt that said: The good (msu logo) the bad(alabama logo) the ugly (ole miss logo) And then I told him how rude Mississippi State was for being mean to Alabama and of course he agreed and was appalled. I made sure his dad didn't hear. Subterfuge for the win. Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: ALTideUp on February 07, 2012, 05:30:28 PM Gosh, that's a long trip for the Michiganders to make down to Texas.
It will be an even longer trip going home. 8) Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on February 07, 2012, 06:57:17 PM I want 5 tickets to this thing. Are they up for public sale yet? Dallas is only 3 hours away and I'd love to take my sons to this. Sorry but I've lost one to Mississippi State I have to pull out all the tops for the twins to be Bama fans :D Tide Pride donations were do on Feb 1st, or at least payments were to be started. The tickets have to be paid for by May 1st. Delivered first week in August. Any tickets leftover from Alabama's allotment will be sold to public after all Tide Pride requests are filled. Stadium holds 100,000 as well so Jerry Jones may sell his tickets sooner than Bama will. Go to Cowboys ticket site and they may have a date when they start selling, if they haven't already. Face value of the LSU-Oregon tickets last September were over $200 starting out and then up for better seats. HTH Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: Jamos on February 07, 2012, 07:14:35 PM The University will get it's 25,00 as well so there should be 50,000 tickets open to the public. I would imagine that a lot of the public tickets will be tied up for pachage trips to the game that include hotel, airfare, and football tickets. The tourism folks have a lot of pull.
Title: Re: Michigan Allotment of Cowboys Classic Tickets Sold Out Post by: cbbama99 on February 08, 2012, 09:57:03 AM I wonder if Jerrah Jones will try to talk Dr. Witt into letting him borrow the team during Dallas' first home game? A.J. can't be worse than Romo.