Title: Season openers set for 7 of next 9 seasons Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on February 07, 2012, 12:35:53 PM I'm sure these are somewhat tentative, especially the '19-'20 series with Tech:
2012: Michigan 2013: VT (Atlanta) 2014: CFA Kickoff (Atlanta) (Opponent TBD) 2015: Open 2016: Michigan State (TTown) 2017: Michigan State (E Lansing) 2018: Open 2019: Ga Tech (TBD) 2020: Ga Tech (TBD) I like having the reasonably important 1st game…seems to keep the players attention better in the off season. Title: Re: Season openers set for 7 of next 9 seasons Post by: 2Stater on February 07, 2012, 12:41:53 PM I'm sure these are somewhat tentative, especially the '19-'20 series with Tech: 2012: Michigan 2013: VT (Atlanta) 2014: CFA Kickoff (Atlanta) (Opponent TBD) 2015: Open 2016: Michigan State (TTown) 2017: Michigan State (E Lansing) 2018: Open 2019: Ga Tech (TBD) 2020: Ga Tech (TBD) I like having the reasonably important 1st game…seems to keep the players attention better in the off season. The home & home with MSU should be interesting. |