Title: Big East Releases West Virginia to Join Big 12 Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 10, 2012, 11:17:06 AM They sure have some strange mathematics in the Big East.
The Big East and West Virginia were expected to formally announce Friday a conditional settlement of their legal battles against one another, clearing the way for the school's move to the Big 12. The Big East is set to make around $20 million from the deal, with West Virginia paying $11 million, the Charleston Daily Mail reported late Thursday, citing a source. The Big 12, which will pay the remaining $9 million through contributions from its members, was expected to release its 2012 conference football schedule Friday to rubber-stamp the inclusion of the Mountaineers. http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefootball/story/big-east-west-virginia-reach-agreement-on-exit-021012 |