Title: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: Chechem on March 01, 2012, 04:58:21 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/02/pretty_no_but_tide_pretty_happ.html
Quote They won't give Alabama style points for this one. The Crimson Tide didn't score many points, period. It made a season-low 14 shots from the field. But it made enough free throws and played enough defense Wednesday night to defeat Auburn 55-49 before a near-capacity crowd at Coleman Coliseum. "It wasn't pretty," Alabama coach Anthony Grant said he told his team after the game. "It wasn't one of our best performances. I think Auburn had a lot to do with that, but at the end of the day, we won. (http://media.al.com/birmingham-news/photo/2012/02/10629137-large.jpg) Title: Re: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: Catch Prothro on March 01, 2012, 06:23:10 AM Another Zone Defense stifles Bama's offense. Without hitting the 3s, Bama struggles in these kind of games.
Title: Re: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: Chechem on March 01, 2012, 06:46:04 AM Another similar article, "Tide sweeps Auburn with ugly home win."
http://annistonstar.com/bookmark/17701834?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnnistonStar%2FTideSports+%28Anniston+Star+Tide+Sports%29 Title: Re: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: pmull on March 01, 2012, 08:37:02 AM It may do us good to get tested in a tight game and come out with the win. I agree with the writer that it was not pretty. This was a must win game for us. It would have been an ugly bubble busting loss had we not won. Our RPI went up from 25 to 27 after the win, think what it would have done with a loss.
I think this win puts us in the NCCA Tournament. We need to beat Ole Miss which would be a RPI Top 100 win on the road and get at least 1 win in the SEC Tournament and we could move up to a 6-7 seed. A loss at Ole Miss and we are in the 8-10 seed area which is very difficult. Title: Re: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: Chechem on March 01, 2012, 08:41:37 AM It may do us good to get tested in a tight game and come out with the win. I agree with the writer that it was not pretty. This was a must win game for us. It would have been an ugly bubble busting loss had we not won. Our RPI went up from 25 to 27 after the win, think what it would have done with a loss. I think this win puts us in the NCCA Tournament. We need to beat Ole Miss which would be a RPI Top 100 win on the road and get at least 1 win in the SEC Tournament and we could move up to a 6-7 seed. A loss at Ole Miss and we are in the 8-10 seed area which is very difficult. The Aubs are always hurting us in the polls. They're weak, uneducated, and unworthy of the SEC West. Yeah, we're in now. :jump: Title: Re: "Pretty? No, but Tide pretty happy with 55-49 victory over Tigers" Post by: Jamos on March 01, 2012, 08:51:53 AM The power of the pen is the only tool that the Barn has anymore, they had best hope the Birmingham News doesn't shut down. ;)