Title: "Phil Steele’s Mock Draft" Post by: Chechem on March 07, 2012, 03:41:45 AM http://www.philsteele.com/Blogs/2012/Mar12/DBMar06.html
5 Alabama players among the top 50. The Saints and Falcons don't have any early picks. Title: Re: "Phil Steele’s Mock Draft" Post by: BAMAWV on March 07, 2012, 04:38:08 AM 5 in the Top 30. Big 1st round! MFBATR and CU may have to go long john shopping. BTW, CU 5 spots ahead of Kuechly of BC. That is only a reporters projection of the draft. We'll see how much separation there is but I wouldn't be surprised to see DH go ahead of the ACC guy.