Title: Paul Kennedy: Remembering 1985 Iron Bowl Post by: kd2011 on March 14, 2012, 08:04:00 PM Crimson Replay's weekly Time Capsule podcast features voices from Tide past.
This week: Former Play by Play man Paul Kennedy shares his vivid memories of the amazing drive leading to Van Tiffin's historic kick. http://crimsonreplay.com/ra.php Title: Re: Paul Kennedy: Remembering 1985 Iron Bowl Post by: pmull on March 14, 2012, 08:29:06 PM I was at that game. After all these years it is the best game I have ever seen on TV or in person. In those days the Legion Field fans were split 50/50 bewteen Bama and the barn. The statium was rocking on every play. We would do something good and the barn would answer. Shula, Al Bell and Greg Richardson led us on a fantastic drive with time running out to set up the Tiffin field goal. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Paul Kennedy was a good play by play man. I liked him. He was not well liked at the time by most Bama fans because Ray Perkins had forced legendary Bama announcer John Forney to retire earlier than he wanted to. Kennedy was not the announcer long after Perkins left and Forney came back for a few years before Eli Gold took over. Title: Re: Paul Kennedy: Remembering 1985 Iron Bowl Post by: XBAMA on March 14, 2012, 08:35:56 PM that was a great game , thanks for the flashback to it KD 8)
keep it coming ! great stuff ! #+ Title: Re: Paul Kennedy: Remembering 1985 Iron Bowl Post by: 2Stater on March 14, 2012, 09:29:17 PM Great Memories! Keep 'em coming and welcome aboard! #+
Title: Re: Paul Kennedy: Remembering 1985 Iron Bowl Post by: XBAMA on March 14, 2012, 09:39:09 PM it's not all about the players with KD's work either , us Fans get in the act too .
here is a Fan Story I enjoyed a lot too http://crimsonreplay.com/ff.php I thought I was going to fall out when I saw the banner behind the plane and I first realized Mark had a good chance to become HTWMI great stuff KD and I really appreciate you coming here to share it . |