Title: "Intense spring football practice resumes today at Alabama Post by: Chechem on March 19, 2012, 06:17:54 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/03/intense_spring_football_practi.html
Quote The 2012 Alabama football team has practiced only once, but that's all that one veteran player needed to draw a conclusion about spring drills. "It's going to be real intense," said linebacker Nico Johnson, who is going into his senior season. "Around here, we've won two national championships. Being a young player - I was one before - and having that mindset, 'I want to be part of that.' So it's going to be a lot of intensity." Title: Re: "Intense spring football practice resumes today at Alabama Post by: Jamos on March 19, 2012, 07:54:22 AM That is what I like to hear, tee the ball up and let's get ready to rumble. ;)
Title: Re: "Intense spring football practice resumes today at Alabama Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 19, 2012, 04:57:48 PM Whoa!! I did not know we had so many early enrollees. That will make a huge difference in the experience level of these guys.
Young players already seem to have made a good impression. Eight early enrollees - six freshmen and two junior college transfers - are getting indoctrinated to Alabama football. :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Intense spring football practice resumes today at Alabama Post by: BAMAWV on March 19, 2012, 06:15:33 PM (http://media.al.com/birmingham-news/photo/2012/03/10667116-small.jpg)
http://photos.al.com/4461/gallery/first_alabama_football_spring_practice_march_9_2012/index.html Title: Re: "Intense spring football practice resumes today at Alabama Post by: ALTideUp on March 19, 2012, 09:51:47 PM Caffey: Coach Saban, what did you do today?
CNS: We had a practice. Caffey: A practice? CNS: Yes. Caffey: An intense practice? CNS: Is there any other kind? (http://highdefdiscnews.com/reviews/a_few_good_men/image3.jpg) |