Title: Alabama spring football, Week 3: Monday practice report Post by: 2Stater on March 26, 2012, 07:59:05 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/03/alabama_spring_football_week_3.html
Quote What's hot The competition at safety between two players who will be sophomores next fall looks close. Vinnie Sunseri and Ha Ha Clinton-Dix both stood out on special teams last season. Sunseri seemed to get a little more playing time at safety late in the season. Whether that gives him an edge now remains to be seen. It's hard to tell watching drills if one is ahead of the other. On the mend Knee injuries for offensive linemen must not be nearly as debilitating as they are for players at skill positions or even linebackers. Left tackle Cyrus Kouandjio is less than five months removed from having surgery. You'd never know. |