Title: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: Chechem on April 19, 2012, 06:13:04 AM http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/04/18/phillip-fulmer-to-arkansas-former-assistant-says-theyre-talking/
Quote Like Jon Gruden, no coaching search would be complete unless Phillip Fulmer‘s name came up at least in passing. The former Tennessee coach has now been added to the ever-growing list of potential replacements for the fired Bobby Petrino, along with the likes of Gary Patterson and Gus Malzahn. Rumors connecting Fulmer to the vacant job have been circulating for a few days, but the former Vol does have one thing other coaching candidates do not: immediate availability.... Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: N.AL-Tider on April 19, 2012, 06:42:56 AM Hiring Phat Phil to coach arKansas will just give me a valid reason to hate the Hogs...well, another valid reason I guess... :)
Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: Chechem on April 19, 2012, 06:46:26 AM Hiring Phat Phil to coach arKansas will just give me a valid reason to hate the Hogs...well, another valid reason I guess... :) I guess I just don't get it. He doesn't appear to be a good fit for Arky. The only factor in his favor is his availability. What does he give them that they need right now, besides a butt in the head-coaching seat? Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: 2Stater on April 19, 2012, 07:11:07 AM Hiring Phat Phil to coach arKansas will just give me a valid reason to hate the Hogs...well, another valid reason I guess... :) I guess I just don't get it. He doesn't appear to be a good fit for Arky. The only factor in his favor is his availability. What does he give them that they need right now, besides a butt in the head-coaching seat? They only have to pay him in Krispy Kremes. Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: N.AL-Tider on April 19, 2012, 08:21:15 AM Hiring Phat Phil to coach arKansas will just give me a valid reason to hate the Hogs...well, another valid reason I guess... :) I guess I just don't get it. He doesn't appear to be a good fit for Arky. The only factor in his favor is his availability. What does he give them that they need right now, besides a butt in the head-coaching seat? Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: bama57 on April 19, 2012, 08:30:51 AM Hiring Phat Phil to coach arKansas will just give me a valid reason to hate the Hogs...well, another valid reason I guess... :) I guess I just don't get it. He doesn't appear to be a good fit for Arky. The only factor in his favor is his availability. What does he give them that they need right now, besides a butt in the head-coaching seat? Title: Re: "Phillip Fulmer to Arkansas? Former assistant says they’re talking" Post by: bama57 on April 19, 2012, 08:59:08 AM fat phil denies contact with arky............http://www.tennessean.com/article/20120419/SPORTS0601/120419003/Phillip-Fulmer-denies-contact-Arkansas?odyssey=mod|mostview