Title: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Leewillie on April 24, 2012, 07:39:10 PM Arrived VIA UPS today. Hope some of you guys will be joining me, Jamos, and Double Nickle for the event starting May 10. There should be some great games with 3 of the top 6 Nationally ranked teams participating. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: double nickel on April 24, 2012, 07:42:11 PM Looking forward to the tournament.
Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Jamos on April 24, 2012, 08:14:16 PM Arrived VIA UPS today. Hope some of you guys will be joining me, Jamos, and Double Nickle for the event starting May 10. There should be some great games with 3 of the top 6 Nationally ranked teams participating. I got my tickets today as well, my seats are the same as my season tickets. I was a bit surprised at that. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Leewillie on April 24, 2012, 08:55:09 PM Arrived VIA UPS today. Hope some of you guys will be joining me, Jamos, and Double Nickle for the event starting May 10. There should be some great games with 3 of the top 6 Nationally ranked teams participating. I got my tickets today as well, my seats are the same as my season tickets. I was a bit surprised at that. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Jamos on April 24, 2012, 09:04:22 PM Arrived VIA UPS today. Hope some of you guys will be joining me, Jamos, and Double Nickle for the event starting May 10. There should be some great games with 3 of the top 6 Nationally ranked teams participating. I got my tickets today as well, my seats are the same as my season tickets. I was a bit surprised at that. I'll check tomorrow night and see if my friends around me got their same seats as well. If so, we can probably sit together at some of the games. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Leewillie on April 24, 2012, 09:13:00 PM Arrived VIA UPS today. Hope some of you guys will be joining me, Jamos, and Double Nickle for the event starting May 10. There should be some great games with 3 of the top 6 Nationally ranked teams participating. I got my tickets today as well, my seats are the same as my season tickets. I was a bit surprised at that. I'll check tomorrow night and see if my friends around me got their same seats as well. If so, we can probably sit together at some of the games. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: Jamos on April 24, 2012, 09:14:04 PM LSU and Fla split a double header at Gainsville tonight, 2-1 Fla and 1-0 LSU.
This looks like there is going to be a heck of a tournament this year. It seems to be a 4 horse race of Bama, Fla, LSU, and Tennessee with Ga, Miss ST, and Kentucky being the possible spoilers. Auburn played Fla tough in a 3 game series just recently so they could sneak up on someone as well. Title: Re: SEC Softball Tournament Tickets Post by: double nickel on April 24, 2012, 09:31:54 PM My seats are near the visitor dugout