Title: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: XBAMA on April 24, 2012, 09:18:24 PM Is this how I could do it ? your thoughts ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ-4gnNz0vc Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 25, 2012, 08:32:43 AM Sounds about right.
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: ricky023 on April 25, 2012, 12:35:50 PM Well this is our life today. Look around, is not our lifestyle not doing this very thing today so many are homeless and no hope of a future job. Well done XBAMA! RTR!
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: XBAMA on April 25, 2012, 08:10:07 PM the budget on that video was five thousand dollars
they are trying to raise money to get it on tv asap , I hope they do well raising the funds to do just that I believe Americans need to hear it , before November . because many people think it is very well done and nails a lot of whats wrong in this country today ... Thanks Ricky , I agree :clap: Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: 2Stater on April 25, 2012, 09:01:48 PM It's dead on. This is the message that needs to be carried out to everyone. If this socialist, lying, king of spin gets re-elected, we are in deep kimchi.
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: XBAMA on April 25, 2012, 09:22:04 PM my favorite memory on the global warming deal
Al Gore and his Globalwarmies were having a summit in Washington DC it got canceled ! why you ask ? A BIG AZZ SNOW STORM CLOSED THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN !!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: BAMAWV on June 01, 2012, 05:02:24 AM You'll see libs in chats around the NET saying 95% of scientist say global warming is factual-- that you can't argue it. But first is a question of whether or not temperature data shows cooling at all. This evidence is pretty consistent that things have been cooler recently, but only by a degree or some fraction of a degree- empiracle. Then you have the division between those who say global warming is simply cyclical and those that say it is a man made phenomena. Then you have a huge % of the scientist that have reason to be involved in this discussion in the first place, receiving grants or some financial backing, that they would not be offered if they came out and said global warming is not an issue.
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: SUPERCOACH on June 01, 2012, 10:05:50 AM You'll see libs in chats around the NET saying 95% of scientist say global warming is factual-- that you can't argue it. But first is a question of whether or not temperature data shows cooling at all. This evidence is pretty consistent that things have been cooler recently, but only by a degree or some fraction of a degree- empiracle. Then you have the division between those who say global warming is simply cyclical and those that say it is a man made phenomena. Then you have a huge % of the scientist that have reason to be involved in this discussion in the first place, receiving grants or some financial backing, that they would not be offered if they came out and said global warming is not an issue. I see you have put some thought into this as well. How dare you question "scientists". :lol: As if scientists know what the daily temperature was even 500 years ago. The earth is supposedly 4.5 billion years old, and yet with 150 or so years of recorded daily temperatures, these guys can state unequivocally that the earth is in a dangerous period of heating up... and to go even further they "know" it is caused by mankind. To drive this point home, that is 150 out of 4,500,000,000. If those data points were seconds instead of years, it would be 2 1/2 minutes compared to 142 years. I have debated some of these guys many times. The only response they typically have is that "Al Gore says all scientists are in agreement and it is no longer being debated among people who know". Lemmings. We may very well be in a dangerous period of global warming (I doubt it), but these guys can't possibly know that. Pardon my skepticism while I wait for credible evidence. I can actually remember being terrified of "the coming ice age" as a kid back when I was in first grade. The bottom line is that we simply don't have enough data points to know if any changes in temperature are part of a short term natural cycle or part of a longer term manmade trend. The weather man can't tell us what the temperature is going to be 2 months from today, but somehow we are supposed to believe that they know what the temperature will be 50 years from now. The key to the truth about this issue lies in the grant money. You don't get grants to study why everything is just fine and dandy, nor do you get published in scientific journals, nor do you become famous. Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: SUPERCOACH on June 01, 2012, 10:07:59 AM Nor do you make millions selling "carbon offsets".
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: Leroy on June 01, 2012, 10:22:52 AM Nor do you make millions selling "carbon offsets". #+ Amen to all the above ~ Preach on SC Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: BAMAWV on June 01, 2012, 10:30:16 AM Nor do you make millions selling "carbon offsets". The Arabs are laughing their azzes off at US, because of them. Every day that goes by without an energy policy is another day toward the financial ruin of the greatest civilization on Earth. We could have drilled our way to energy independence and offset our leaking jobs to the third world (and China) but instead, those green people have us washing our garbage before we throw it out. >:( >:( >:( Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: SUPERCOACH on June 01, 2012, 10:39:21 AM I've said many times that there is only 1 primary cause for the recession, and it is not the housing bubble. It is $4 gasoline (diesel fuel actually).
Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: BAMAWV on June 01, 2012, 10:56:55 AM I've said many times that there is only 1 primary cause for the recession, and it is not the housing bubble. It is $4 gasoline (diesel fuel actually). Just by having only 1 standardized blend of octane (or whatever) will reduce refining costs and the peaks and valleys of supply and demand, we could have avoided $4 by a mile. Again, the green people. >:(Title: Re: "If I wanted America to fail" ? Post by: ricky023 on June 01, 2012, 12:20:21 PM Well I do absolutely believe the Earth is getting hotter. Although, I don't think scientist's do not have a clue as to why. I have the right answer one time for sure.
"Hell is enlarging her mouth daily." Well if hell opens her mouth more and more then the heat has to Rise to the landscape of the earth. RTR! |