Title: Tide's little ace Nathan Kilcrease outpitches Wildcats' big gun Post by: pmull on March 26, 2011, 06:53:37 AM TUSCALOOSA - The big contrast between starting pitchers Friday night brought a little chuckle from Alabama coach Mitch Gaspard after the opener of a three-game series against Kentucky.
"You've got one guy 6-8 who's probably going to get $2 million in the draft, and our guy's 5-foot-5, and it's like I told the team. I wouldn't trade that 5-5 guy for anybody out there," Gaspard said. The big guy came up short. The little guy - senior right-hander Nathan "Peanut" Kilcrease - got the big result, pitching a complete-game shutout as the Crimson Tide (16-7, 3-1 in the Southeastern Conference) won 4-0. "I had a little fire in me tonight," Kilcrease said. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/03/tides_little_ace_nathan_kilcre.html |