Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: Chechem on May 09, 2012, 03:48:36 AM

Title: "Nick Saban, Les Miles, and Steve Spurrier are top coaches in the SEC"
Post by: Chechem on May 09, 2012, 03:48:36 AM

 :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil:

... Alabama football coach Nick Saban tops the list of best football coaches in the SEC. “You know it Shae. We know it, the whole world knows it—Nick Saban is number one. He is not just number one in the SEC, he is number one in the country,” writer Steve Greenberg said. “We are scared of him and that is because he is one bad dude. He runs the best program in the country. He is the most likely to put together one of the truly all-time, greatest careers in college football coaching. He is already most of the way there.”

In second place on Greenberg’s list is LSU football coach Les Miles. Greenberg places Miles on the list and will rank high on the list of all college football coaches. “Nobody is like Miles in the rest of the SEC,” he said....

Title: Re: "Nick Saban, Les Miles, and Steve Spurrier are top coaches in the SEC"
Post by: BAMAWV on May 09, 2012, 06:50:46 AM
If you look at a coaches entire career, CSS would fight it out with CLM for 2nd. Just looking at what they have built at their current jobs, CNS is of course first, followed by Miles then Petrino (until a month ago). JMHO but CSS has only had a couple better than average seasons at USCe-- his body of work at UF is another matter.

Title: Re: "Nick Saban, Les Miles, and Steve Spurrier are top coaches in the SEC"
Post by: pmull on May 09, 2012, 09:17:10 AM
If you look at a coaches entire career, CSS would fight it out with CLM for 2nd. Just looking at what they have built at their current jobs, CNS is of course first, followed by Miles then Petrino (until a month ago). JMHO but CSS has only had a couple better than average seasons at USCe-- his body of work at UF is another matter.

I think listing CSS in 3rd is about right. USCe is a tough play to win consistantly. He has steadily improved that program since he got there. It has taken longer than he wanted but they are doing better than any other time since they joined the SEC. IMO the only places harder to win in the SEC are Ole Miss, Miss St, KY and Vandy.

I agree with your Petrino comment. He would be 3rd if he could keep his pants zipped.

Title: Re: "Nick Saban, Les Miles, and Steve Spurrier are top coaches in the SEC"
Post by: Catch Prothro on May 09, 2012, 09:50:52 AM
If you look at a coaches entire career, CSS would fight it out with CLM for 2nd. Just looking at what they have built at their current jobs, CNS is of course first, followed by Miles then Petrino (until a month ago). JMHO but CSS has only had a couple better than average seasons at USCe-- his body of work at UF is another matter.

I think listing CSS in 3rd is about right. USCe is a tough play to win consistantly. He has steadily improved that program since he got there. It has taken longer than he wanted but they are doing better than any other time since they joined the SEC. IMO the only places harder to win in the SEC are Ole Miss, Miss St, KY and Vandy.

I agree with your Petrino comment. He would be 3rd if he could keep his pants zipped.
I agree about CSS.  USCe is a hard place to consistently win.  The State of SC only puts out so many quality players a year, and USCe has to compete with Clemson for in-state talent, plus Georgia to the south.  There is a reason USCe was terrible until Holtz got the program heading in the right direction.

I'm not so sure I would place Petrino third.  He definitely had the potential, and maybe was on the verge of a breakthrough.  But I think he needed another year or two to show what he could do.  And while his offense was perhaps the best in the SEC, his defense needed work.