Title: Obama reinstates streamlined coal permits as a reelection gimmick! Post by: BAMAWV on May 27, 2012, 02:56:27 AM Who would have thunk it?
http://wvgazette.com/News/201202160210 Here is the scam. He streamlines the mountaintop removal (strip mining) process which should make coal operators very happy. But wait. He doesn't streamline the permits necessary to deposit the stripped material into the adjacent valley. Nowhere to put the earth stripped away by the now reinstated, streamlined process called NWP21. The newspapers and lame stream media plaster stories (locally) of how he is helping the coal industry. This is supposed to appease these stupid people so they will quit voting for Texas convicts for President. In the meantime he and his "green liberal" buddys all have a good laugh over how he slickered the coal industry. He is not that clever and it will finally catch up with him in November. Quote Corps officials said they revised the permit so that valley fills generally can't be authorized through streamlined permits. They also limited the amount of stream that can be buried under such a permit to 300 linear feet. The process now is to strip the tops off of hills to gain access to coal seams below. The earth and rock left after the coal is loaded in trucks and on trains, on barges. This turns the hilly, steep, and mostly unusable "mountaintop" into a relatively flat areas that can be used for hospitals, schools, private housing, malls, business parks, parks, etc.. All this takes place mainly in the coalfields,--the harsh, steep, rocky, and generally nontourist parts of the state. |