Title: Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule Post by: che boludo on March 26, 2011, 11:17:17 PM Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule (http://dailybamablog.com/2011/03/26/set-your-dvr-espn-releases-early-football-tv-schedule/)
Posted on March 26, 2011 by Michael Casagrande "There weren’t many answers for Alabama fans looking to lock in game times for the fall, but ESPN still released an early look at some of the games it’ll air on the family of networks." CLICK HERE (http://twitpic.com/4dm69b) to see the entire list. Casagrande's note: -Bama got the U, but Arky got the "mothership" (main ESPN site) :o -don't be alarmed to the lack of Bama on the schedule as ESPN slates for the networks won't be determined until about two weeks out Title: Re: Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule Post by: BAMAWV on March 27, 2011, 12:44:13 AM As in the past, plenty of Big East games but mostly on week nights. But this year I am noticing an increase in ACC teams willing disrupt their practice routines in order to get the stage on a weekday evening.
Title: Re: Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule Post by: che boludo on March 27, 2011, 10:14:56 AM CBS maintains the first selection which is why the SEC schedule is not settled until two weeks out. I wish it was different as CBS coverage generally stinks in comparison to a featured ESPN night game.
Along those lines, CBS's ability to select first affects our Game Day site hosting possibilities for some key match-ups (Arky, UF, LSU) as ESPN typically likes to host gameday at their primetime night game site (not always as memory serves, but most always). No doubt that CBS will gobble all 3 of those up with first pick. Title: Re: Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 27, 2011, 03:20:55 PM Yes, I wish ESPN/ABC had first pick. My favorite announcers right now are Todd Blackledge with Brad Nessler. I like Herbie OK, but unfortunately he is paired up with Mr. Hockeyes. Verne and Gary... not so much.
Title: Re: Set your DVR: ESPN releases early football TV schedule Post by: ricky023 on March 27, 2011, 10:04:29 PM Verne and Gary just hurt me I turn Eli on and watch on TV. RTR!