Title: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: Jamos on June 10, 2012, 04:48:26 PM Alabama picked up its 17th commitment for the Class of 2013 as junior college offensive tackle Leon Brown pledged to sign with the Crimson Tide on Sunday, according to reports from TideSports.com and BamaOnline.
Brown, a 6-foot-6, 310-pound tackle from Brooklyn's Asa College, has also received scholarship offers from Kansas and Ole Miss and committed to the Tide over the phone to head coach Nick Saban and Alabama offensive line coach Jeff Stoutland. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/06/alabama_lands_commitment_from_1.html#incart_flyout_hssports Title: Re: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on June 10, 2012, 08:40:22 PM Welcome aboard! :popcorn2:
Title: Re: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: Reelvalue on June 10, 2012, 09:48:29 PM Yes indeed..welcome..welcome!!... #+
Title: Re: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: Jamos on June 11, 2012, 05:51:39 AM I'm not sure as to how many Bama can sign this year but those that want to ride this train might better be making a decision. I'm sure though that there's a few that will enroll early and/or possibly greyshirt as well. I do know though that CNS has it figured out. ;)
Title: Re: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: Catch Prothro on June 11, 2012, 09:08:11 AM Saban has done very well with JUCO players. Welcome aboard Leon.
Title: Re: Alabama lands commitment from JUCO lineman Leon Brown Post by: ricky023 on June 11, 2012, 03:49:28 PM Welcome aboard to the family. I am glad to see some good offensive linemen signing this year. We need this bad for our future after this year. RTR!