Title: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: Chechem on June 12, 2012, 06:50:32 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/06/senior_bowl_nfl_may_consider_a.html
Quote New Senior Bowl executive director Phil Savage thinks the time may be right to consider allowing some juniors to play in the annual all-star game, but only if they meet certain strict criteria. Savage, who was hired last month and officially began his new duties on June 1, brought up the idea with NFL representatives last month and was told the league would consider it.... SENIOR Bowl? We may need a new name. Title: Re: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: Jamos on June 12, 2012, 07:49:48 AM If a Junior is good enough to be invited to the Senior Bowl, why would he need to play in that game to prove his worth and risk an injury. I think the Senior Bowl is trying to sweeten up their game a little to draw a bigger audience to just help themselves. ;)
Title: Re: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: pmull on June 12, 2012, 07:58:01 AM I think it is a good idea. If they do it the player must be a 4th year junior that has already graduated and declared for the draft. For example Donta Hightower would have been eligible last year but Trent Richardson would not have been.
Title: Re: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: Catch Prothro on June 12, 2012, 09:55:22 AM I think it is a good idea. If they do it the player must be a 4th year junior that has already graduated and declared for the draft. For example Donta Hightower would have been eligible last year but Trent Richardson would not have been. I would agree with this limitation. Otherwise I think it is a bad idea and sends the wrong message -- if a player is good enough to declare for the draft after his junior year he shouldn't have to try to make a name for himself in the Senior Bowl, if he isn't good enough he should stick around for his senior season. Good insight pmull.Title: Re: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: ricky023 on June 12, 2012, 12:11:53 PM I disagree with this entirely. If the NFL wants to draft them, then that is their choice. This game is for Seniors only to me to display their ability one on one against other Seniors. This game was established to me, to give the best Seniors a chance to be rewarded for hard work during the year. Make a Junior Bowl if you got to let them play. RTR!
Title: Re: "Senior Bowl talking with NFL about allowing certain juniors to play" Post by: pmull on June 12, 2012, 12:51:25 PM I disagree with this entirely. If the NFL wants to draft them, then that is their choice. This game is for Seniors only to me to display their ability one on one against other Seniors. This game was established to me, to give the best Seniors a chance to be rewarded for hard work during the year. Make a Junior Bowl if you got to let them play. RTR! They are not considering allowing third year juniors to play. They are considering allowing fourth year juniors (redshirts / medical hardships) that have already graduated and entered the draft. |