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181  Around Campus / Canterbury Chapel / Re: Valedictorian rips up approved graduation speech, recites Lord’s Prayer on: June 05, 2013, 10:31:29 AM

I wish we could return to the practice of beginning every school day with the students and teachers reciting the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  If someone didn't want to participate, for whatever reason, they could remain seated and silent.
182  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: ***POLITICAL DAILY THREAD--RED STATE EDITION*** on: June 05, 2013, 08:29:46 AM
This is a copy of a news letter or blog done by a semi-retired local businessman in the town where I work that I get by email about once a week...not sure how I got subscribed to it.  Most of the time I agree with his views (I don't always agree with anyone) and usually it's pretty interesting and thought provoking.  I thought some of you would enjoy it also.

When any entity gets so large that it is unyielding and unmanageable, it is only a matter of time before it becomes intrusive. It appears that several departments of our federal government have obviously become downright tyrannical.

Attorney General Holder approved the "Fast and furious" sale of firearms to the drug cartel, but he claims to know nothing about the program. He recused himself from the wiretapping of the Associated Press telephones and seizure of their Facebook accounts, but didn't fill out any paperwork to verify his recusal. And he doesn't remember the date that he took this action. It seems that all he knows is that he doesn't know anything about the initiative to seize the AP journalists' documents. Now it is revealed that the Justice Department seized records of James Rosen, Fox News reporter. What I don't understand is; if the Administration had leaks, why didn't they wiretap their own people? Why infringe on the rights of what, until now, has always been a free press?

Acting IRS Director Miller was grilled by a House Committee and he seems to have come down with convenient amnesia. He couldn't remember which office told him what or when, nor could he recall their names. He was not aware of the IRS targeting conservative and religious groups which opposed the Obama agenda of bigger government. When asked why he didn't provide "full disclosure" at a previous congressional hearing, he danced on the head of a needle al la Clinton and stated that he had told the truth. Any and all specifics of significance usefully escape his recollection.

President Obama stated that he first learned about the IRS targeting conservative groups from hearing it on the news. Several other White House officials knew, but the storyline is that they decided not to tell the One. We are to presume that Mr. Obama was not advised by the Secretary of the Treasury, even though he know at least as early as June 2012, and meets with the president regularly. Also the White House counsel was aware of the IRS targeting effort in June 2012, and even though he is hired to provide counsel to the President, he forgot to tell Mr. Obama.

The individual who was in charge of the tax exempt certificate application department has now been promoted to head the Obamacare tax assessment department. Sarah Hall Ingram headed the tax-exempt division while the conservative and religious groups were targeted for obstruction and delay of their applications. But even though she ran the department, she claims to have known nothing of what was going on. Now Lois Lerner, the IRS director of exempt organizations, invokes her 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. And still many Americans are awaiting 3-D glasses to see what is going on!

Former Secretary Clinton was asked for additional security for the Benghazi consulate on several occasions, but she knows nothing of those requests. She was advised by Mr. Hicks by telephone, in real time, that there was an "ongoing" terrorist attack on the consulate. But she told the families of the deceased and the American public that it was only a demonstration over a silly video that got out of hand.

Health and Human Services head Kathleen Sebelius is now under investigation for illegal fundraising to help with Obamacare. Probably put pressure on some big corporations to help; the problem is that government employees cannot use their position to raise money.

At some point we must begin to wonder "who the hell is running our government?" Everyone who is charged to know what is going on seems to not have a clue? The acting IRS Director doesn't know what is going on within the IRS. The Attorney General doesn't know what is going on within the Justice Department. The former Secretary of State claims she didn't know what was going on within the State Department. The head of the tax-exempt department won't talk because she doesn't want to go to federal prison? And the President claims that he knows nothing about nothing – and I am prone to believe him if not the others.

President Obama is detached and intellectually disinterested. He won the lottery twice and is preoccupied with making sure that he doesn't miss any of the taxpayer provided goodies before he leaves office. He is interested in: play golf, playing basketball with NBA players, sending Michelle on vacations and shopping trips, sending his kids of spring break trips, hobnobbing with celebrities, traveling around the country raising money for liberal political objectives, and hosting star studded galas at the White House.

One would think that about everything that can go wrong within our government has gone wrong in the past few months: a consulate attacked and an Ambassador killed, a terrorist attack on America, wiretapping of a major news organization, targeting of conservative applicants for tax-exempt status, and private personal information being shared by different federal departments for the purpose of harassing American citizens. Mr. Obama says that there is no "there, there" as pertains to Benghazi; with Harry Reid and a friendly media to protect him, he may be right.

Our mammoth government is so bewildering that no human being could possibly oversee its function. And it so completely corrupt and out of control that it obviously doesn't have the ability to police itself.

The amazing thing is that Obama's approval rating has not dropped through the floor since all the scandals emerged. Guess that means that the 47% actually do exist? Where we are heading is fearful to contemplate but we are getting there faster every day.

Have a good week.

If any of you are interested in subscribing to his blog here's the link...

Click here for link
Click here for link

183  Around Campus / Canterbury Chapel / Re: Wednesday 6/5/13 Daily Prayer on: June 05, 2013, 05:38:05 AM
 Pray Amen.

184  Around Campus / Canterbury Chapel / Re: Monday 6/4/13 Daily Prayer on: June 04, 2013, 07:31:31 PM
 Pray Amen...thank you Brother Ricky.
185  Around Campus / Ferguson Student Center / Re: ***CRIMSON RED DAILY THREAD*** on: June 04, 2013, 07:25:28 PM
HLMD, my quality of life is pretty good right now.  My voice isn't quite what it used to be but I don't have any problem speaking or eating/swallowing.  My appetite is great and food tastes good.  My breathing is so-so...all the doctors say my lungs sound good when they examine me but I get out of breath climbing stairs or walking briskly for any distance at all...I've had COPD for several years and used Advair and Spireva to help with those symptoms but before beginning this last treatment I felt as good as I've felt in years.  I will be retiring at the end of this month and filing for disability.  I want to be able to enjoy doing things with my wife and family while I'm still physically able and my quality of life is still as good as it is.  Like I told my chemo doctor, I can't believe that as good as I feel right now that you are telling me that I could very well be dead 7 months from now...I just don't believe that and I'm going to do everything I can to prove you wrong.

SC, the cells from the biopsy of the nodule in my lung matched the cells from the biopsy of my larynx a couple of years ago...squamous cell carcinoma.  It was not one of the types of cancer cells commonly associated with primary lung cancer, thus the diagnosis of metastatic laryngeal cancer.  I almost wish that it was a type of lung cancer because yes there would be other treatment options and yes a better chance of a cure.  The hospital where I am being treated is associated with the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa which is supposed to be one of the better cancer research centers in the country...but I still hope to get a second opinion about other possible treatment options.

It may take me a while to get back here with an answer but I don't mind discussing this because it may possibly help don't hesitate to ask anything at all.  

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you who have commented here for all of your positive thoughts and prayers.
186  Around Campus / Ferguson Student Center / Re: ***CRIMSON RED DAILY THREAD*** on: June 04, 2013, 07:31:35 AM
Leroy, do you mind if I ask what kind of cancer you are dealing with?

In July of 2011, my voice became hoarse and in August I lost my voice.  I was referred by my primary care doctor to an ENT in September and when she scoped my throat she said that she was 99% sure that I had vocal chord cancer but that she would need to perform a biopsy to confirm that. I had the biopsy done on 9/28/11 to confirm that I had cancer.  It covered my right vocal chord, part of my left one, and had already spread to the thyroid cartilage below the vocal chords.  So, when it was first diagnosed it was Stage IV Laryngeal Cancer.

PET Scans and CT Scans suggested that it hadn't yet spread out of the throat area and I began radiation and chemotherapy treatments in October, 2011.  The radiation was 5 days a week for 7 weeks and the chemo was weekly doses of Cisplatin for 10 weeks.  My last treatment was the morning after the national championship game in January, 2012.

Over the course of the next few months I had several follow-up PET scans and the cancer appeared to be gone...until a PET scan done in June, 2012, indicated activity in my lungs.  A follow-up CT scan in July confirmed that I had several very small suspicious nodules in my lungs.  Another scan in September showed the nodules had all doubled in size and I had a needle biopsy done a week or so later on one of the nodules that confirmed that it was cancer....not lung cancer but Metastatic Squamous Cell Laryngeal Cancer.  My throat was and is still clear of cancer.  If the cancer had only spread within the head and neck area there would be a 30 to 50 percent chance of a cure...but once it has spread outside the head/neck area there is really no cure and the 5 year survival rate is less than 5 percent.

Last October I began chemotherapy with two different drugs, carboplatin and taxol, with infusions every three weeks for a total of 6 treatments. Following this course of treatment a CT Scan showed that the nodules were pretty much stable, not really growing but not shrinking either, just changing shape more than anything else. My blood counts were all very low and I was very weak and had received about as much chemo as my body could handle so we put treatment on hold until May when I had another CT Scan.  That scan showed that all the nodules had doubled in size since the scan that was done in February.

The chemotherapy I'm taking now will not cure my cancer, but it is hoped that it will slow down the progression of the disease...right now, I am fighting to be one of those 5 percent that I talked about up above.

187  Around Campus / Canterbury Chapel / Re: Prayer Request for Leroy on: June 03, 2013, 07:38:20 PM
Thank you fellows...I feel the prayers working!

188  Around Campus / Ferguson Student Center / Re: ***CRIMSON RED DAILY THREAD*** on: June 03, 2013, 07:34:32 PM
My chemo session went well today with no adverse side effects yet. They said the worst ones usually occur during the first treatment if they are going to occur at all. I'll be receiving another dose weekly for the next 7 weeks and then evaluate whether it's helping or not.

When I went back and read my post from this morning I realized that I made it sound a little worse than it is bad but it sounded like I had 3 months to live or something...and hopefully that isn't the case. 

What I've been told is that a person with cancer that has progressed to the state that mine has will live an average of another 7 months without this course of treatment and an average of 10 months with it....but I like to think that I'm more than just a lil bit above average  Wink

Thanks to everyone for the prayers...they are working  Pray

189  Around Campus / Ferguson Student Center / Re: ***CRIMSON RED DAILY THREAD*** on: June 03, 2013, 04:49:37 AM
I'm on my way to Tallahassee this morning to begin another round of chemo treatments.  This is going to be a tough one and some of the side effects of this drug will be nasty and some of the effects can be fatal.  My prognosis is not good with or without treatment and it's been a tough choice for me deciding whether or not to go through these treatments but the doctor says that it could extend my life for another 3 months...maybe that will be enough to let me get to see Bama get I've got to try it.  Please remember me in your prayers today...thanks ~ RTR ~ Leroy
190  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Alabama men's golf team will be the No. 3 seed in match play at NCAA's on: June 02, 2013, 12:19:55 PM
191  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Alabama men's golf team will be the No. 3 seed in match play at NCAA's on: June 02, 2013, 12:17:05 PM
192  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Alabama men's golf team will be the No. 3 seed in match play at NCAA's on: June 02, 2013, 11:25:40 AM
 Jumping Jumping Jumping
193  Around Campus / Canterbury Chapel / Re: Sunday 6/2/13 Daily Prayer on: June 02, 2013, 09:59:08 AM
 Pray Amen.

194  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: NCAA Tallahassee Regional - Troy vs Alabama 11:00 ESPNU on: May 31, 2013, 02:41:19 PM
Bama falls into the losers' bracket after a 5-2 loss to Troy.

Will play the loser of FSU and Savannah State.

 Sad Oh well...thanks for the reports HLMD  Wink

195  Around Campus / Ferguson Student Center / Re: ***CRIMSON RED DAILY THREAD*** on: May 31, 2013, 07:33:38 AM
Morning gents. Beautiful, but hot, day in suburban Baltimore today. Off of work, so I think I will take junior down to the National Aquarium at the Inner Harbor this morning. He just finished kindergarten last week, so he will be starting first grade next year. Geez, he is growing up too fast.  Cry

Good mornin CB...and yes they do grow up too fast don't they. I hope you and lil CB have a day to always remember and for all the right reasons!

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