Thank you SC for what you did. The voting was skewed and had been skewed for quite awhile before any of the multiple voting was started by some Bama fans including me. Lowes didn't catch anyone doing anything, it was Hawaii that alerted them as to what was going on by us so I don't feel bad about getting caught at anything, but I do have a problem with someone turning us in for something that they started and was doing the same thing.
Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right. The year that they came to Tuscaloosa and beat us with a last inning home run to knock Bama out of a trip to the College World Series is something I will always remember. They led the nation in home runs that year <b>but was found to have been using a "hot" bat, composite material, to accomplish this feat</b>.
None of this would have happened had Hawaii and California not started their schemes and then opened Lowes eyes to someone that that was cheating better than they were. I am with you on cleaning the slate and starting the voting over but Lowes needs to do a better job of monitoring anyone doing multiple voting and not have to depend on a cheater to turn another cheater in. JMO

That sir is not true, we used the same bat as a lot of other schools used, and for your information the bat that was used to hit that homerun was taken by the NCAA which in turn was cut up so that they could indeed inspect it, there was nothing found illegal about the bat. I understand how upset you are in the fact that you got beat by a lowly school out in the middle of the ocean but the fact is you did and you can't handle it, but that's cool also.
I also resent the fact that you spread rumors that Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right, if you proof of this please tell us???
One thing about the number of fans, you are correct that our attendance is an average of about 900 fans, but you must understand that all of our home game are televised throughout the state and live steamed back to the mainland, the stats show that all games have a viewer-ship of about 250,000 viewers and another 25,000 to 30,000 who watch the live stream, so say just half of those vote just once a day you may see why our player has the numbers she has. But we all agree that we want nothing but an honest vote.