Crimson Red Sports

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86-66 (1469)

Hannibal Lecter, MD
85-64 (1075)

84-67 (1137)

83-67 (1264)

82-70 (1278)

80-67 (1227)

80-69 (1392)

80-71 (1119)

79-73 (1307)

* Most E-Cred
E-Cred: 1000009
2Stater 2Stater
E-Cred: 7921
Chechem Chechem
E-Cred: 7228
pmull pmull
E-Cred: 6111
Jamos Jamos
E-Cred: 5801
E-Cred: 5654
Catch Prothro Catch Prothro
E-Cred: 5215
ricky023 ricky023
E-Cred: 5063
E-Cred: 4632
Merk Merk
E-Cred: 3915
bama57 bama57
E-Cred: 3858
E-Cred: 3504
E-Cred: 3378
Leewillie Leewillie
E-Cred: 3348
N.AL-Tider N.AL-Tider
E-Cred: 3191
Bamaphile Bamaphile
E-Cred: 3183
td57 td57
E-Cred: 3139
Marshal Dillon Marshal Dillon
E-Cred: 3072
bamaphil bamaphil
E-Cred: 2962
Hannibal Lecter, MD Hannibal Lecter, MD
E-Cred: 2961

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1  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Game notes: TA&M vs Bama on: November 11, 2012, 07:22:06 PM
I'm gonna disagree with you a bit HS. I'm not sure I put either one of those INT's on AJ. The first one, the DB knocked the snot out of KB and the ball popped out. It was a little behind him, but KB put his hands on it (my old rec coach used to tell us "if you touch it, you'd better catch it." The second, the DB just made a heck of a play. They knew what was coming and played it well.

I wouldn't trade our coaching staff for ANY in the country, but I think we got outcoached. They did what we KNEW they were going to do and they did it well enough to win. We DID NOT do what we normally do and for the second week it cost us. For whatever reason, we seem to have abandoned the run. It's what we do, it's who Alabama football is. I'm sorry guys, but I'm not stupid enough to believe that we can't gain 7 yds running it 4 times behind a line that every player will play in the NFL. We were able to over come it last week, we weren't this week.

I'm sure there are plenty that disagree with me. Feel free to flame.
2  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Game notes: Bama vs LSU on: November 04, 2012, 01:27:50 PM
One more thing Coach.......we've GOT to stop fair catching the ball inside the 10. This has happened numerous times this season with both PR's. Against a D like LSU, that 10-15 yds is a BIG deal.

I was screaming at the TV why were we not running the ball more. LSU had no answer for that.
3  Around Campus / The Quad / What in the heck happened to WoolyAl? on: January 15, 2012, 09:08:17 AM
Crash and burn?
4  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: "Petrino, Miles have frosty handshake" on: November 26, 2011, 10:13:49 AM
Petrino is a punk. He da#@ sure don't mind dropping 40 on someone when he gets the chance. Perhaps he should spend a little more time on defense. Just saying....
5  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Poll! How many yards rushing will MFBATR have against the Boogers? on: November 26, 2011, 10:12:10 AM
If they'll just feed it to TR, EL, and JF all day and mix in a screen and crossing route every 4th or 5th play, we'll beat them by 40.
6  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Is the Obama Administration Playing the Race Card in Alabama? Maybe So! on: October 26, 2011, 10:21:22 AM
It the ONLY card he has left to play. His supporters don't have a record to back up their argument with anymore. Even though they still try, he's been in there long enough that the Bush argument just doesn't hold water anymore. His ONLY prayer is to push an emotional button and divide the country on something other than his job performance.

Too bad this country isn't smart enough and will swallow it hook line and sinker.
7  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Alabama law enforcement systems on: October 23, 2011, 12:02:02 PM
Just wow............
8  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Cain tops ANOTHER straw poll. on: October 23, 2011, 12:00:43 PM
I hear what he is saying and I do like it. I do hope, though, he can back up what he says if he wins. Obama put on a good show and then turned around and did nothing. I would love to see a team of Cain and Gingrich ot right reverse. RTR!

Righto. Cain/Gingrich with Paul as Commerce Sec would get this country back on track. I would pay good money to watch Gingrich publicly debate Obama when the dear leader is without his tele-answer........
9  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Cain tops ANOTHER straw poll. on: October 22, 2011, 08:45:22 AM
Click here for link

Looks like the non-politician is resonating with mainstream America even though the bought and paid for media doesn't give him the credit he deserves. Whether the rhino pubs or the lamestreet media like it or not, people like what this dude has to say and the way he says it.

BTW, he'll be in Montgomery on the 29th.
10  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Biden Continues to Warn of Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed on: October 22, 2011, 08:41:31 AM
I LOL'd yesterday when I saw that this idiot was thinking about a 2016 POTUS run.
11  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Brent Calloway Arrested on: October 22, 2011, 08:38:24 AM
There has been an uneasy feeling about this kid since that whole commitment thing. I follow him on twitter and he and Scam exchange tweets all the time. That's reason enough alone right there to invite him to leave.
12  Around Campus / The Quad / Re: Tide commitment Alec Morris shines again on: October 22, 2011, 08:36:21 AM
Regardless of Morris being committed, there is NO WAY you turn away either of the top two QB recruits in the nation is they come calling. I still think Winston goes baseball though. They will throw a lot of money at him and his family and he could always come back to cfb later is baseball doesn't work out. I think Gunner will stay in the midwest. I'd look for some of the traditional schools from that area to start coming on strong for him.
13  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Exclusive: Democrats push tax hikes first in deficit talks on: October 02, 2011, 08:55:23 PM
more evidence of why that whole debt debate/deal was a scam. not only can they not agree what to cut to meet the terms of the deal; THEY CAN'T EVEN AGREE WHERE TO START trying to meet the terms of the deal.

why americans continue to put up with the garbage that has become congress is beyond me.
14  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Maybe we should take a closer look at Herman Cain on: October 02, 2011, 08:53:05 PM
If Herman Cain wins the primary he is MY guy as well. I'm sorry if I led you to believe different. But it will not happen. For starters, I would be amazed if he could raise enough money to be viable. The second most obvious negative, is that you are replacing an unknown entity (Obama in 2008) with another unknown entity. Cain has an impressive background in the private sector, but zero tangible experience in public affairs.

My ideal candidate is one that has private sector experience, but enough knowledge about the DC monstrosity, to navigate the now extremely partisan branches of government. My guy will have to have the courage to undo the legislation and regulation that has saddled the private sector into gridlock.  Tax reform seems to be on everyones (GOP) agenda in some form or another.

By your comments, I am uncomfortably forced to address the race issue. Polling may show BHO's support among African-Americans to be unwavering, but I'll wager that in reality the motivation that drives this constituency to the polls has been greatly diluted.  Signs are appearing indicating the Jewish vote is, for the first time, leaning toward the GOP. Not only does this group vote, but they also vote with their wallets. Further, the redneck vote, while registered Democrat, will also be motivated to the polls by Romney, Perry, or, even Paul Ryan (my longshot, undeclared).    

Sadly, why should how much money he can get the elite to donate matter? I'm tired of elections being bought and paid for by those that benefit from the policies of those they help elect. That's one thing about our current president that's never discussed by the media. He's the biggest corporate whore in the history of humanity.
15  Around Campus / President's Mansion / Re: Maybe we should take a closer look at Herman Cain on: October 02, 2011, 01:54:57 PM
Thanks window licker!  You said very eloquently what I have been sitting here try to compose and say!  But I'm going to save mine to an support you fully.  Here goes:

To BamaWV -

There is no magic answer to your statement.  I don't believe any of the candidates have ever dealt with a situation like we have and can absolutely turn the mess around - but someone has to try and I believe Herman Cain with his corporate experience and Federal experience is as qualified, if not more, than the other candidates.  It is a sure bet that the current occupant doesn't have a clue and doesn't want to try.  

I'm ready to let someone with experience in the corporate and Federal worlds give it a try.  I know from experience that politicians just want to "get along"  and not make waves.

I worked for the Federal Government for 33 years.  I was in a position in a regional office which put me in frequent contact with our Washington office personnel and I served on various task forces and made many trips to DC.  NOTHING happens in the government in Washington.

Dear Jimmy Carter's Civil Service Reform Act resulted in the the system of political appointees (who incidentally spend their typical 18 mos. on the job polishing their resumes for their next job).  These appointees believe that attending a meeting accomplishes something.  So they hold a meeting, blather on, and then plan their next meeting - and think they have accomplished something.  Ruffle feathers, fight fraud, simplify regulations, cut personnel - on no, this might look bad on a resume if something in doesn't work perfectly.  So nothing happens - they do NOTHING but meet - they are afraid of making hard decisions.

Unfortunately, I believe this "don't make waves" mentality pervades Washington and our political system.  I'm ready for an outsider to shake it up.  

I also like that Mr. Cain talks straight and isn't "politically correct".  I like his tax plan which while not perfect is a whole lot better than the travesty we live with now.I'll take him in either position but I sure would like to see him as President.

And and as an aside - wouldn't a race between two black men be very interesting - assuming the Democrats let Obama run.

BTW, I've tried to talk to several black people I work with that are starting to think Obama is doing a bad job about Cain and they don't want to even discuss "that uncle Tom." Cain was right when he said blacks have been duped into thinking they have to vote Democrat. None of the blacks I work with can name ONE thing that Obama supports that would make their lives or careers any better, yet they would follow him even if he decided to invade Mars.
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