Marshal Dillon
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:01:12 AM » |
This thread will strike many of you as totally stupid, but I am basing this on personal experiene at two tornado disaster clean-up sites in the past.
First and foremost, don't just show up unprepared. This is especially true of women and younger guys age 22 and younger). Bring a sack luch and plenty of water for your personal use (an ice chest is even nicer to have, plus you may want to bring a roll of toilet paper). The most important thing to bring is some good work gloves. You will be handling bricks, splintered wood, broken glass, sharp tin, and more. Wear blue jeans and good work shoes, if you have them or hiking shoes. I have a pickup truck, so I bring a scoop shovel and a couple of regular shovels, garden rake, wheelbarrow, chainsaw (if I have one), rope and chains.
The last site I worked, not a single woman, out of DOZENS who showed up, brought a pair of work gloves. They thought all these things I mentioned would be provided, including water and food. Well, they were wrong. I had a nice sack lunch of a peanut butter sandwich, chips, chocolate chip cookies, and cold koolaid. They went hungry. Remember, most volunters may be bused to the site to keep traffice down, so you can't just leave when you want to. Since I had a truck of tools, they let me follow the bus to the site. Plus, they were so appreciative that I came prepared.