Radio post-game wrapup:
1. CNS refused to name specific players, saying it was a team win. He said they'll take 2 days off, as planned before the season. Said it's a long 8-game stretch of games without a break, so they have an extra day of rest this week.
2. Injuries appear to be minimal.
Chapman has an ankle injury, Menzie got bumped, but nothing major it appears. Whew!
3. Richardson is right in the Heisman race again, especially with Lattimore taking his lumps today. Those last few runs from the wildcat were icing on the cake for the game.
4. Nico had a good interview. He played well, and he congratulated his teammates too. He's well spoken. I'm sure his video will be up by morning.
5. Vandy is next. No letdown. No prisoners.