I have been going back & forth on what are some appropriate actions to occur against Penn State. What about these as a whole:
1) Have Penn State forfeit all games for the last 2 years, thus depriving Paterno the record for all time wins. This suggestion was mentioned by Finebaum.
2) All the BOT members resign or be coerced to by the Governor.
3) A 2 year self-imposed bowl ban.
4) Destroy the Paterno statue.
5) Remove the Paterno name from any and all buildings/facilities on Penn State.
6) A mandatory age 70 retirement for all athletic coaches.
What do you guys think of this? Too much, not enough, or add/delete some things?
I like 1-5. I'm not sure about the manatory retirement age. I also think they should lose 10 scholarships for three years. I'm not for the death penalty but they need to be punished till it hurts.