From the very beginning of the game, Ole Miss sent a message to the Bama players and that was that you may win tonight but it won't be easy. For all of us Bama fans that thought there was no team in college football that could out physical this Bama team, we got a first hand view that this is not so afterall.
Bama reminded me of some past LSU games when the Tigers seemed to be helping someone off the field after every play. Ole miss out tackled, out blocked, and had it not been for the big second quarter, Bama could have easily been on the casualty list of being victim of the "Upset Saturday" that many had been predicting during the week.
With Bama heading into the meat of their schedule, this might have been a blessing for the Crimson Tide. I don't know if there are any teams that will be any quicker than Ole Miss was last night but there could be some that will be just as physical. I'm sure that every team left to play on Bama's schedule will use the tape of this game in their preparation for Bama. Being the true blue fans that we are though, we want to believe that it was just an off night for the team.
Was this a win or a loss for Bama? Last night somewhat reminded me of the 2010 team, as the team went through the motions of playing but never consistently showed the mental and physical toughness to repeat as a national champion. This is what happened to the 2010 team, as complacency took that team down to being very average.
The next two weeks are a crossroad for Bama and you have to wonder will they work their way back to the level of play that they have shown in earlier games or will they continue the level of play that they showed last night. CNS had warned the team all week of what we saw last night but the players didn't seem to heed that warning and to me that is the part that concerns me most.
The only way we will know if Bama won or lost last night will have to wait until Bama plays it's next games and hopefully they learned enough from this game to realize what is ahead for them. Roll Tide!!