Thousands line street to view motorcade. Well. Maybe not thousands, more like 10-20 people line street to see motorcade.
As it rolls forth down the asphalt Monday, President Obama’s three-day bus tour of the Midwestern heartland already has earned a nickname. It’s “Greyhound One” according to observant wags at and elsewhere in the conservative blogosphere. Most are irked that Mr. Obama and his strategists have borrowed a page from the tea party playbook. What’s better than a campaign-style bus tour to impart a message of frugality and kitchen-table economics?
But wait. Though the excursion is packaged with humble appeal, it looks like nobody’s sleeping on the bus. The White House has reserved the entire historic Hotel Winneshiek in Decorah, Iowa, and 60 rooms at nearby Luther College, and that’s just one stop on the tour.linkThe agency initially declined to tell TPM whom the buses were bought from, but based on some searches of federal databases it looked to me like the seller was Hemphill Brothers Coach Co. of Whites Creek, Tenn. Last July, the Service signed a contract for nearly $2.2 million with the firm, according to a federal procurement database.