He is 104-51 with a 74% winning percentage. He has been to the SECCG 6 times & won 2 SEC Titles. He is 9-5 in bowl games. They have not been to a major bowl game since 2007 season in the Sugar Bowl. In fact, he's been to 3 major bowl games, all in the Sugar Bowl. No Orange, Fiesta, or Rose Bowls. The word conundrum fits him perfectly.
conundrum noun co·nun·drum \kə-ˈnən-drəm\
a confusing or difficult problemFull Definition of CONUNDRUM1
: a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun
a : a question or problem having only a conjectural answer
b :
an intricate and difficult problemHe can coach but just can't seem to get over the top of the hill. He's had tremendous talent but it's still not enough. I don't know what to suggest.