Click here for linkVoters continue to have little faith in the future of America.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 34% of Likely U.S. Voters think America’s best days are in the future. A plurality (46%) believes the nation’s best days are in the past, while 19% more are not sure.
In late July, 32% were confident in the future of our nation, just a point above the all-time low of 31% reached in April. That marked the low point in nearly five years of surveying. Since November 2006, optimism has ranged from 31% to 47% but has generally hovered in the high 30s and low 40s for much of that time. Those who think America’s best days are behind us have ranged from 37% to 53% in that time period.
Separate polling finds that just 16% of voters believe the country is heading in the right direction. That finding is down 13 points from a year ago.