As far as CNS winning the PB Award...he's got my vote.

Yep, mine too. But let me get on my stump for a minute.
Has anybody else noticed Nick isn’t getting a lot of love for any coach-of-the-year awards? But Less Miles has? I’m sorry but what are these people seeing? The reason given for pumping up ole Less is because of ALL the off-field trouble the team has had but yet they keep winning. HELLO McFly, if he was doing even a decent job of coaching these kids they wouldn’t be in bars all night and curb stomping a Marine and kicking him in the head……and then to welcome the turd back on the team cause somebody got the judge to lower the charges. One incident could be overlooked, any team can end up with a bad apple. How many Who players have had trouble this year, from assault & battery to drug use to academic problems. And Less is being rewarded for this? Give me a break.
I’m sorry, but coach-of-year should go to a whole body of work, first teach the kids how to act like decent young men. Teach them the right way to achieve their goals and work as a team. Then winning will take care of its self. Isn’t THAT what Nick has done?