Crimson Red Sports

* Overall Winners
86-66 (1214)

86-66 (1469)

Hannibal Lecter, MD
85-64 (1075)

84-67 (1137)

83-67 (1264)

82-70 (1278)

80-67 (1227)

80-69 (1392)

80-71 (1119)

79-73 (1307)

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2Stater 2Stater
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E-Cred: 7228
pmull pmull
E-Cred: 6111
Jamos Jamos
E-Cred: 5801
E-Cred: 5654
Catch Prothro Catch Prothro
E-Cred: 5215
ricky023 ricky023
E-Cred: 5063
E-Cred: 4632
Merk Merk
E-Cred: 3915
bama57 bama57
E-Cred: 3858
E-Cred: 3504
E-Cred: 3378
Leewillie Leewillie
E-Cred: 3348
N.AL-Tider N.AL-Tider
E-Cred: 3191
Bamaphile Bamaphile
E-Cred: 3183
td57 td57
E-Cred: 3139
Marshal Dillon Marshal Dillon
E-Cred: 3072
bamaphil bamaphil
E-Cred: 2962
Hannibal Lecter, MD Hannibal Lecter, MD
E-Cred: 2961

Tide's Trent Richardson has big shoes to fill
Written by Terrie1959
Comments: 5
Posted under: The Quad

TUSCALOOSA – Yes, a Heisman Trophy winner was missing from the front of the line as Alabama’s running backs worked through individual drills during Monday’s practice.

Mark Ingram is gone, but there is great potential in this unit again being the strength of the offense. This spring, the others are lining up behind Trent Richardson.

“We’re big back there,” Richardson said after the first of Alabama’s 15 practice sessions this spring. “We’re just trying to figure out who’s going to fill in that spot.”

ESPN: Mike Anderson To Arkansas
Written by pmull
Comments: 3
Posted under: The Quad
Arkansas officials are expected to meet with Missouri coach Mike Anderson later Wednesday and, according to sources, a contract offer and Anderson's acceptance of it appear to be a formality.

Missouri athletic director Mike Alden was unavailable for comment early Wednesday but a Missouri official said there was no announcement planned from Columbia, Mo.

Earlier Wednesday, a source at Missouri said the school had expected Anderson to stay.

Anderson had wrestled with his decision the past few days, especially with the majority of the Tigers returning. Anderson had been negotiating a two-year extension that would raise his salary at Missouri to $2 million per season -- a $500,000 raise

Click here for link

Response to Herdon's "five questions in SEC" this spring
che boludo
Written by che boludo
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Posted under: The Quad
Spring football good time to answer five questions in SEC (Herndon) full article and Herdon's answers

1. Will John Brantley find new life with Charlie Weis?
-A lot is being made of the transition from a CUM spread team to a Charlie Weiss pro-style attack.  With the talent UF has on hand, UF will be a factor and make the adjustment just fine.

Weiss had his best two years at ND in year one and two, so the idea that it will take them time to adjust to Weiss isn't necessarily true as UF no doubt has much better talent to adapt to his style of play/coaching than ND did.

Weiss didn't handle the management of the organization aspects of being a HC very well.  But, there are few better OC's in football period.  He will have Brantley and the UF O ready to go this fall.  UF will win the east and I think we are in for a real battle in Gainesville.

2. Can Dan Mullen keep riding the wave?
-Short answer is NO.

I think Miss St has a big drop off this year after appearing to be headed in the right direction. Losing their entire LB corps and Manny Diaz will be a lot to overcome. They didn't have the strongest defense in the SEC by any means but they played well enough to keep them in games. I think their D drops off this year and the team follows.

They return a lot (basically all the key parts) on offense, but I think CDM's offense style is a lot more effective against opposing staffs and teams that haven't seen it around every year since 2005. In spite of all the excitement that MSU fans had over last season and how they praised CDM, the East Mississippi Bulldogs still finished 11th in the SEC in total offense against SEC competiton. Frankly, I'm not impressed and feel that CDM's offensive philosophy is close to running its course in the SEC.

Not to say he won't adjust things as he seems to be a good offensive minded coach. But, I don't think things will change next year which will result in more lack of production against SEC opponets and their D stuggles to adjust and fill voids.

I think they could easily slip to 6-6 next year.
Their Schedule:
W at Memphis
L at Auburn (actually benefit of the doubt here as it is @ the Barn)
W Louisiana Tech
L at Georgia
W at UAB
L South Carolina (I think MSU has a good shot in this one as USCe is on the road and they have a lot of defensive losses up front that could hurt them against CDM's running/screen game; but Spurrier has enough experience against CDM to get it done.).
Open Date
W at Kentucky (The Wildcats lost a ton on offense and they are changing defensive schemes this off-season, unless they get some surprise performances and quick defensive learners they will not play MSU as close as they did last year (even if it is a home game for them)
W UT Martin
L Alabama
L at Arkansas
? Ole Miss (toss-up- two bad teams, two up-and-down coaches, and in-state rivalry)

3. Could Zach Mettenberger be the man at LSU?
- Yes, with a new OC in town it will be fair competition.  Steve Kragthorpe runs a philosophy where he believes in putting the best 11 players on the field and minimize personnel groupings to avoid giving clues to the defense as to what they are going to do.  This desire to avoid creating personnel tendancies complements his idea of keeping the best players on the field.

I think that his idea of best players are those that provide the most flexibility at each position.  That said, based off of observation of their on field results I think Mettenberger easily has the advantage in size, talent, and ability to be a strong armed QB and a running threat.  If he has learned from his off-field transgressions, I think he wins the job this spring.

4. Will Tyler Wilson make Arkansas forget about Ryan Mallett?
- YES. 
For all of Mallett's measurables, talent, and hype; he was not a good pressure situation QB. He has consistently made game changing mistakes against more talented teams.

I think he honestly has a lot of difficulty recognizing coverages which has affected his play against better coached teams. He obviously has a lot of potential, but I honestly think he'll be a bust in the NFL.

Petrino's offenses have made lots of QBs look really good on paper. I think Mallett was the beneficiary of having great natural ability and being placed in a college world of Ds with Petrino as a coach. Look for the NFL to be an eye opener for him.

Mallett's poor play kept us in the game last year. This year I think the Hogs will actually be better off as I think Tyler Wilson is a much better game manager at QB. He knows how to run the offense and will not make as many mistakes as mallett (IMO). He has an awesome WR corps returning and fully expect another battle in Tuscaloosa.

I see Arky and LSU as the key contenders for the west alongside Bama. Both are must wins as either could be 1 loss teams this year.

5. Is Georgia's starting tailback even on campus yet?
And, at the rate the others are going.  There may not be a UGA scholly RB on the team before he gets there.  Crowell will be an instant contributor for the Dawgs.  Like Lattimore at USCe, he will carry the bulk of the carries.  Hopefully, he stays in shape to endure the pounding he will take this season.

Note: credit DPA1PACO for original find. link to original discussion thread

BR - Spring Practice Notes, Some Odd Things Going on in T-Town
ssmith general
Written by ssmith general
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Posted under: The Quad
Some people didn't expect to see Jesse Williams, the Awesome Aussie working out at full speed with the other defensive linemen so soon after having his knee scoped, but he was there Monday and Tuesday moving with ease albeit with a brace on that knee.

It didn't seem to slow him a bit though.

Williams was given the 54 jersey to wear and I'm sure he lobbied for it since he has that number hugely tattooed on his arm.

Williams is a gallery of tattoos though and his number is just one of the many.

Mark Barron was not suspended, but was still in a black, no contact jersey and he wasn't alone in that strange color for an Alabama practice. Tight end Brad Smelley, defensive backs Jarrick Williams and Nick Perry were also clad in black as was linebacker Jonathan Atchinson.

More from Larry Burton Click here for link

TXK's 1st spring practice report
Written by Toxik76
Comments: 18
Posted under: The Quad
Coach Rumph ios an absolute spark plug to the DL shocked some of the guys already making the whole unit group do up downs and putting Ed Stinson (been at Jack LB his whole career at Bama) at DE with the 1st group and he was already looking like a monster, Stinson tore it up on the practice squad & he was imulator for any pass rushing specialist we faced & he put on a little more weight in the offseason & has reaped the benefits

Also Micheal Bowman will get his chance & he lost weight to get back to 225 & he's a legit 6'6 now so him losing that weight helped with speed & Groh begged JMac to move him back from TE squad to WR's & he lost the weight JMac said he had to lose, he's taken a major step toward filling the gap left by Julio

Also a few of the incoming guys were under the weight expected & a few were massive, here' a list with new number & ht/wts

1 | Dee Hart, RB, Fr., 5-9, 187 (WAY smaller than anyone thought he would be, needs to pack on some muscle, even looks like Tyrone Prothro or Marquis Maze, still like his chances on KR/PR though, he's fast though make no mistake about that)

3 | Vinnie Sunseri, LB, Fr., 6-0, 217 (Interesting size, since he's such a thumper & I still like the approach Saban is taking teaching him both the LB sets & DB sets trying to develop him into that STAR position we struggled with really not having last year, but had Javy the year before, I'll also say this on D the largest hill any TF has to climb is learning the sets & he stepped onto campus already ahead of a lot of 1st & even 2nd year guys because of how smart he is and being Sal's son, so it's gonna be interesting to watch him develop this spring)

5 | Ronald Carswell, WR, Fr., 6-0, 180 (good size, expect him to make a push to get in the rotation as a back-up to Hanks)

12 | Phillip Ely, QB, Fr., 6-1, 187 (Actually looks larger to me than I expected, heard he looks a lot better than everyone thought he would so far, but wearing that number has big shoes to fill son)

33 | Trey DePriest, LB, Fr., 6-2, 242 (HOLY MOLY!!!! everyone loves how smart he is and how quick his feet are and how fast he is, Coach Sal even said he could play RB in the SEC with his speed if he didn't like to hit so much he he, I'll tell you this he's already been compared to Hightower & the way he looked coming in as a TF that instantly contributed, size wise he's there too, when we put on pads he'll get a look at moving over to Jack a bit to see how he does, he's absolutely a speed demon)

54 | Jesse Williams, DL, Jr., 6-4,319 (lost a good bit to get down to Dareus' size & you know what that means he he, means he'll play both NG & end likely, Coach Rumph says he's faster than Dareus & if true that's scary, looked great too even with the knee brace bending etc. looked like no lost power)

77 | Aaron Douglas, OL, Jr., 6-7, 275 (a little light, but he has a MASSIVE frame, to me his weight means Cyrus Kouandjio will get a serious shot to earn the LT job as a TF should be an interesting battle, I'll tell you this though, his footwork was alittle bit rusty it seemed)

90 | Quinton Dial, DL, Jr., 6-6, 294 (Most impressive today hands down of ANY player, thought he was 270 or so, a lot larger, VERY LARGE POWERFUL MAN, he'll get a great shot at NG rotation & how active and disruptive he is that's the best position for him, already heard a lot of comparisons to Nick Fairley, a little faster & 10x better hand movement really knows how to swing those tree vine arms, but I know he had the best career of any DT against Dismukes, the best OC this state's seen in 10 years, had 7 sacks in 2 games, anyway I digress, he was the lost prospect so to speak & to me will be a huge sleeper & major contributor, heard he's already Rumph's favorite for his work ethic, I'm telling you now he's one to look out for in stats in scrimmages & in the vids #90)

Some other interesting things:

Marquis Maze started off the practice with a speech about what HE expected to accomplish as a team this year & it TOTALLY caught every one by surprise, he's not one ANYONE thought of a leader, but what it really signified to me & a few other coaches is the HUGE MASSIVE difference in leadership this team will have & it's already VERY obvious after only 1 Spring practice

This QB battle is gonna be totally knock down drag out & a few thoughts: 1. Whoever thinks A.J. has the upper hand because he has game experience is totally inaccurate & A.J. MIGHT win, but if he does it's because he was the better QB, 2. Phillip Sims absolutely believes he'll win & both are working hard to gain weight & staying up late every night studying playbook & staying late with their group of WR's throwing after practices, we've never had this competition at Bama in a long time like there will be & it's great to see, 3. I'm still not sure how A.J. would react if he loses, but pretty sure he'll stay since he grew up a huge Bama fan & doesn't have any desire to play anywhere else & if P.Sims doesn't win he's not gonna even think about transferring, I can assure you, 4. I'll say that the obvious leg-up I saw today with P.Sims is his lightning quick release and it's literally Drew Brees-esque & A.J. has a little longer wind, both are very accurate and both have a great deep ball I'm telling you it's gonna be a mammoth battle

Another big time performer today was Kenny Bell which was great to see, he's finally healthy & visibly a few steps faster than a lot of the WR's, Coach Groh really likes him as well & he made a few deep grabs down the sideline that were all pretty and 1 or 2 slants that he caught one handed, but pads will show me a lot on all the WR's, M.Bowman also looked really good catching etc. and he's visibly faster than he's been ever since on campus

I already mentioned this a bit but the leadership you see already is an enormous difference, William Vlachos & Trent on offense & Hightower, Barron & Upsahaw on D and a number of other older guys helping younger guys & forming friendships

OK that's all I got I'm gonna be on a little bit longer so if any of you have any questions feel free to ask & I'll anwser to the best of my ability

247 Sports: Hightower and the 2011 defense
che boludo
Written by che boludo
Comments: 6
Posted under: The Quad
Good read on Dont’a and the D.

The presence is back

The difference is noticeable with just a mere look.

He’s more physically imposing despite having lost weight. The hesitation and uncertainty of a year ago appear to be gone, discarded along with his knee braces. There’s not only a re-found confidence and swagger, but the hunger has returned.

Yeah, Dont’a Hightower’s ready to go, and he’s dragging everyone else on the Crimson Tide defense with him...
Full Story

Alabama Softball Ranked No. 1
Written by pmull
Comments: 4
Posted under: The Quad
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - Alabama returned to the top of the softball world as it claimed the number one spot in both polls released Tuesday. The Tide nabbed 16 of the 20 first place votes in the Softball poll and 24 of the 30 votes in the USA Today/NFCA poll.

The top two teams in the nation squared off over the weekend with then-No. 2 Alabama sweeping then-No.1 Georgia in three games, leading Alabama (29-1, 5-0 SEC) to the No. 1 ranking in the Softball Collegiate Top 25 Poll, the Amateur Softball Association (ASA) of America announced today. Alabama was the top ranked team in week three and has been the runner-up in three of the remaining five polls this season.

Along with the 3-0 sweep, Alabama beat then-No. 24 Auburn, (6-1, 8-2), for an undefeated 5-0 SEC weekend. Georgia (23-4, 5-3 SEC) fell three spots to No. 4 after a 2-3 week which included a 2-0 record over South Carolina.

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Alabama Baseball beats UAB 6-3
Written by pmull
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Posted under: The Quad
Click here for link

TUSCALOOSA - Freshman first baseman Austen Smith collected three hits off of three different UAB pitchers and drove in two runs Tuesday night, leading Alabama (14-7) to a 6-3 victory over the Blazers (11-9) at Sewell-Thomas Stadium.

The two teams will meet again at 6:05 p.m. next Tuesday at Regions Park in Hoover.

Miami Dolphins have plans to address tailback void
che boludo
Written by che boludo
Comments: 12
Posted under: The Quad
Miami Dolphins have plans to address tailback void

Miami Dolphins coach Tony Sparano admits his team has a very detailed plans on how they will address the tailback position. He just doesn’t intend on sharing them.

Dot 1: Sparano confessed the Dolphins will remain a ground-and-pound team, and doesn’t care what anyone thinks about it.
Dot 2: It seems the likelihood BOTH free agents, Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams will be back in 2011 are slim. And it doesn’t really sound like Sparano’s excited about re-signing either veteran.
Dot 3: Sparano specifically wants two tailbacks who complement each other, and that’s not Brown and Williams.
The Dolphins hope to find a tailback who has breakaway speed, and the type of ability to take a dump-off pass to the house. Sparano used what Lions Jahvid Best did against the Dolphins in last year’s loss as a prime example.


Even if the Dolphins go the free agent route this regime will likely double-down by selecting a tailback or two in the draft.


When asked about Alabama’s Mark Ingram, who is the top rated tailback in the 2011 draft class, Sparano said “we’ve done our homework” with a coy grin.
full story and video here

Re: QB battle takes to the air
che boludo
Written by che boludo
Comments: 7
Posted under: The Quad
Good quote from MFBATR on the QB situation:


Any quarterback we've got can go start anywhere," Alabama running back Trent Richardson said. "AJ, Phillip Sims, Blake Sims or whoever. They can go do it and I believe in them. Then you have to make everyone else believe in them, too.

Talent will not be the issue at QB over the coming years.  It will be who displays the maturity to execute the plan while "taking what the defense gives him" as CNS would say.  It is a position position that demands a leader above all else. 

The idea of a game manager seems tarnished somewhat as people associate it with being simply serviceable, but to me it defines the key quality necessary to have success.  Strong armed, gunslingers make great highlight reels but they are a gamble in the long run, and, like most games of chance, the house usually wins in the long run.  I believe in taking shots when you have them, but sticking to the plan and making the best play available (again...take what the D gives you). 

The margin for error in CFB today is to thin to not play the odds if you want to have consistent success.  One thing for sure is that CNS is going to play those odds in spite of the talent on the field or who is sitting in the OC seat.  That doesn't mean he is against a more explosive offense, it simply means that he will play the individual who gives them the best chance for consistent success, which is not always the one who may guarantee an ESPN top 10 play each Saturday. 

Whoever comes out of this spring and summer most prepared to be that type of on-field leader (game manager) will be the one taking the most snaps.

Personally, I think we will see a great deal of both AJ and P. Sims this year while B. Sims may be set to become a permanent fixture from the wildcat formation.

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Day: Saturday
Date: 8/31/2024
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