JawjaMark Richt is 1-1 against quarterbacks he kicked off the team.
When you let defensive ends run right by you, Aaron Murray gets hit. When Aaron Murray gets hit, he gets the yips. When Aaron Murray gets the yips, he throws interceptions.
Don't let defensive ends run right by you.
Apparently we're the Alabama of Equestrian.
Dear liver, I'm sorry.
Signed, Every WVU fan
Just keep them excuses a comin' and maybe Bama will only score 60 on us next year and we'll lose to Iowa State in a 'valiant gutty effort' in 2 weeks at home...
How much is Dana's contract? We could have a bake sale to start raising funds.
Nahh, that's just how we play "Broke-back Mountaineer Football"
TejasThe only way Case could possibly get on my good side would be if he hiked the ball, sprinted to the sideline, and drilled Mack Brown in the face with it. Though, he'd probably miss or throw it so slowly, only one or two of Mack's butter teeth would fall out.
We are Marshall
Feel like I'm about to wake up from a dream and it'll be the second half of the BYU game. Also, my house will be burning down around me.