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I hate welfare. I would be a fan of eliminating it entirely. I would certainly love to see it limited and force them to get jobs. However, you cant force drug tests for a government assistance program.
The constitution guarantees the right to not be subject to unreasonable search and seizure.
Click here for linkBeing unemployed is not probable cause. We already allow private companies to require drug testing in or to employ people. Which means you have to give up a constitutional right in order to be employed in many cases.
So how far will employers be allowed to dig into ones private life and so goes the government?
So why am I so against drug tests? In addition to the slippery slope of assuming guilt and treating average citizens like felons, but also because they do not do anything. Most drugs which are highly addictive do not stay in peoples system more than a day. So basically you're just getting a bunch of harmless pot heads. And you're only catching the dumb ones. Drug tests are easy cheat on and pass. It's all a huge waste of money and false sense of accomplishing something.
Drug tests are good for basically one thing, supervised, unannounced random testing of people convicted of a crime and ordered by a judge to under go periodic testing. They are also good for treatment programs to keep people honest but should always be voluntary.
So here is my prediction.
Someone sues, it goes to the supreme court and gets struck down. The state of Florida has to pay hundreds of millions of retroactive welfare, which results in block party's all over the state.