1. Set up a certain time they can sign.
2. The price paid can not exceed a certain amount.
3. The money is put in a trust until the player leaves the school
4. Maybe a limit on how many items may be signed a year.
I have no problem with this at all.
I wonder, though, how it would be monitored. Would the university in question set up designated signing times? If not, would the university have agreements with certain organizations/stores/etc.?
If players cheat now, they'll cheat in this scenario.
Face it:
Greed + Players who feel entitled = Failure
If we're going to pay them, in any form, they'll cheat to get more. Like I said, pay them and make them pay it all back in expenses. ALL university employees must pay for insurance, medical expenses, parking, and use of facilities. So should players.
And I agree with NALT; give the
scholarships to the
scholars, not entitled players.