Ole Tubs may not be the brightest light in the room but he's onto something with the $$$ angle. If a team had to cut one home game as punishment, well that would get lots of folks attention real fast. If they were banned from bowl games that would also bite, although with conference revenue sharing it would be somewhat mitigated (unless the school was made ineligable to share such $$$.) And if a school had to send back $$$, that would affect all schools in the conf if that $$$ was shared.
NCAA has got to do something like this if it's to become relevant again as an enforcement org. So Tubs may not be real smart, but the sad fact is he may be smarter than the dull lights at NCAA.
If I’m not mistaken, a school that’s banned from post season can not receive revenue sharing money from the conference. At least in the SEC. If I’m wrong someone please correct me.