linkClick here for link"To Kill A Mockingbird" is off-limits for most who talk to its author Harper Lee,
but not to her close friend, the Rev. Thomas Lane Butts of the Monroeville Methodist
"We talk about it once in a while,'' he tells Paul Toohey of Australia's Sunday Telegraph.
"She once said to me when we were up late one night, sharing a bottle of scotch:
'You ever wonder why I never wrote anything else?'
"Two reasons: one, I wouldn't go through the pressure and publicity I went through
with To Kill A Mockingbird for any amount of money."
"Second, I have said what I wanted to say and I will not say it again'. ''
Very, very rare to read or hear anything about Harper Lee. Lee lives in Monroeville
Alabama with sister in sheltered housing. She declines interviews by sending
hand signed written notes .
I read several years back that "To Kill a Mockingbird" still sells 2-3 million
copies per year. I know I bought the book twice for my children in high school.
Over ten years ago Pat Dye was on PF. Dye sounded like he may have had a few.
Dye told Paul that he had visited Harper Lee in Monroeville. Dye said he took a
copy of the book "To Kill A Blackbird" for her to sign and that A'burn was going to
auction off the signed copy.