I mentioned it before in the prayer thread that Jamos so graciously started, but I wanted to make a separate thread to truly express my appreciation. My family and I are calling February of 2016, Black February. We had some bad things happen over the last 6 months or so, but we were totally whammied in February.
Having said that, I think we were very fortunate not to have any structural damage to our house, and the fact that we came out of the tornado physically unscathed. The few things that were damaged around the house, incuding my car, were not damaged severely. 50 yards up the road, however, was a much different story. We are very grateful that our situation was no worse and that, miraculously, no one hit by the tornado was killed.
The last event in the string of maladies, was that on top of all the difficult problems my oldest daughter was going through, she had been dating a guy who was a firefighter in Mobile and he turned up missing a week ago Saturday. His body was found in Pensacola Bay near Bayou Chico this weekend.
We could not have gotten through all of these things without prayer; ours and yours. Thank all of you very much for your thoughts, prayers and outpouring of kindness. We also very much appreciated the offers of help.
There aren't as many active members on CRS as some other forums, but this group has become a family. You guys are more than just folks to discuss Alabama sports with, and I for one, rally appreciate that about you.
A special thanks to Jamos and Chech, 2 of my dearest friends, for continually keeping in touch with me to see how we were or if we needed anything. And those of you who pm'd with special messages, thank you! There is no doubt in my mind that if I needed any one of you to come here for help, that you would have come. I would do the same for any of you.
Anyway, I cut up on here a lot and seldom show my serious side, but I am very serious about how much I appreciate all of you here on CRS. Just wanted you all to know that.