Click here for linkObamar blocking this plant because it is non-union. 11,000 jobs for workers in SC. Yeah, Obamar really cares about job creation.
The House of Representatives is poised to pass legislation today that prohibits the National Labor Relations Board from interfering in the business decisions of U.S. companies. The bill would effectively end the NLRB’s complaint against Boeing’s expansion plans in South Carolina.
Boeing came under attack from the NLRB in April after constructing a plant in South Carolina to build its 787 Dreamliner. The case is currently before an administrative law judge in Seattle.
Boeing plant would create 11,000 jobs for workers in South Carolina. He warned that the NLRB’s action has sent a chilling message to employers in the United States and abroad.
Heritage’s Hans von Spakovsky and James Sherk wrote earlier this year that the government’s actions against Boeing “are outside the legal jurisdiction of an overzealous NLRB.”
The federal government does not have the legal authority to prohibit a company from expanding its business or building a new factory in another state. Regrettably, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is attempting to do just that. In asserting that the Boeing Company is engaging in unfair labor practices by establishing a new aircraft assembly facility in South Carolina, the NLRB is twisting the law to benefit a special interest—unions—at the expense of the rule of law and the nation’s economy.