garyrob1987 Gary Roberts
@attackwatch I need to buy a new car, but I won't be buying a Volt. Is there a specific prison I should report to? #attackwatch
only1madi Madison Sweere
This #attackwatch website cracks me up. xD OMG, are we living in Orwell's 1984 already? #imsodoingmyeditorialprojectonthis
KaraP37 Kara Prescott
#AttackWatch Bush wanted people to say something if they suspected terrorism. Obama wants you to sqeal if you think someone doesn’t like him
thomasa56 Thomas
What is the difference between lemmings and #Attackwatch drones? At least lemmings throw themselves off a cliff and stop bothering people.
reallydryheat dryheat
#attackwatch I just heard someone report BO said "If you love me you'll help me pass this bill!" How dare these reporters stoop so low
KaraP37 Kara Prescott
Watch out, monthly jobless report. @AttackWatch is onto you. #attackwatch
thorninaz thorninaz
Hey #attackwatch, I saw 6 ATM's in an alley, killing a Job. It looked like a hate crime!
WilmaFingersdoo Wilma Fingersdoo
@ #attackwatch My Mom just tore one of those "Do not Remove" tags off my plastic protected mattress!!! signed 20 yo Obama Voter
stevenwscott Steven W. Scott
#attackwatch my dad always tells me to work hard and be responsible for my actions. Set him straight!
krmgator kevin morgan
I heard that #Obama has around a billion dollars in his war chest. That can buy a lot of #attackwatch spies
VirtutePerennis John M Whitt
POTUS is running an illegal lottery, $5 for chance to have dinner with him #attackwatch
GMFWashington George MF Washington
I think the new over/under for the death of #AttackWatch has to be Friday night during the typical Obama news dump
Ron_Sack Ron Sack
#attackwatch HEY OBAMA my neighbor worked overtime the past 3 years to buy a new tractor..I don't have one...can I take his
speedyjerry Jerry Landry
Hey #AttackWatch I heard obama was fired by George Soros and gonna resign soon
chriskoerber ChrisKoerber
#AttackWatch There's an elected official who's misrepresenting a "Jobs Bill" that isn't even an active piece of legislation #Obama #tcot
GaryWhitney Gary Whitney
#attackwatch Someone told me that Obama's ex girlfriends are much like his birth certificate. I don't understand.