Click here for linkIn its fight with the state over immigration, President Obama’s Justice Department is treating Alabama as if it hasn’t changed since the ugly segregationist days of the 1960s.
Justice lawyers have asked federal courts to strike down Alabama’s tough, new immigration law that has sent Hispanics, presumably in America illegally, fleeing the state. And the department has also set up a hotline in Alabama to flush out reports of civil rights violations against immigrants, legal or illegal.
The hotline prompted Alabama attorney general Luther Strange, in an appearance on Fox News this week, to accuse the Justice Department of playing politics. “The hotline, to me, smacks of politics,” Strange said. “The Justice Department is stuck in the 1960s as it relates to Alabama. They overlook 50-plus years of fantastic progress.”
Strange didn’t use the phrase “race card.” But some Alabama officials suspect the Obama administration wants to exploit the state’s racial past and liken its treatment of Hispanic immigrants to the way blacks were treated decades ago. And by taking aggressive action, the president’s support among Hispanic voters might improve.