great story CC ... awesome !
I have one if you don't mind ?
my Pastor and myself read Ricky's post Friday for about an hour and talked for two .
my Pastor was impressed .
he only threatened me once because of dumb statement I made about I was going to hell .
I was using the going to hell to emphasize what I thought about something and I shouldn't think that way
he told me to never say that again , and I won't .
before it was over there were some tears shed specially after listing to the lady talk about her
husband that got killed (the Chaplin) in Afghanistan .
I hope one day that my faith will be as strong as her's ... and my Pastors .
I am working on it . everyday .
anyway ... Thanks Ricky for your help in my quest .
XBAMA you touched my heart today to say one thing to you, once you give your life away you can't get it back. I know why your Pastor spoke like he did. Let me, if I can explain it clear as I can, when you accpet Chirst as your Lord and Savior and you say Lord I surrender all then you are his. Now the works you do before Christ enters your life means nothing other than a Chapter to show you want the Lord. The works you do after being saved are meanigful. These good works stack up as rewards that you can give at Christs' feet when you meet him in his Kingdom after death of the physical body, I say that because once you die physically you never ever really die if you are SAVED. Last breath here is the First breath there. This is in Lamen terms and from a pure country-man Preacher. If I can ever be of help please let me know or anyone else for that matter. I don't know all the answers but I know the person who does. God Bless & Love you all!