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Author Topic: Vote for Cassie Reilly-Boccia  (Read 108543 times)
President Denny

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« Reply #225 on: May 03, 2012, 09:40:42 PM »

Well all I have ever voted was one time. I just did it today. RTR!
You are allowed to vote once per day.

Hey BAMAWV, I have voted everyday but only once. When I tried the way SC told us mind still wouldn't add no more. Anyway I turned doing it once a day I still hope she wins. RTR!

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« Reply #226 on: May 03, 2012, 09:42:26 PM »

Latest update is +7.1% for Bama in 4 hrs. That's impossible...especially when the voting was still hot at 11pm CT (Tuskaloosa, AL) on a Monday night. I've sent an email to Lowe's protesting what went on today. Might help to have others follow suit. If the Bama girl's supporters had any sense they would have done it in small increments.

Click here for link

Comment 132.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

I see my plan worked.   Cool

I voted 35,000 times that night because I WANTED to make it obvious to Lowe's that the voting had some serious issues so that they would hopefully fix them and we could have a FAIR contest.  If my goal was to win the contest for Cassie by cheating, I would have done exactly what they were doing and stayed under the radar.  I also would not have posted the fact that I voted for Cassie 35,000 times on a public web site so that anyone that knows how to use google could find out and delete my votes, which is apparently what they did.  I expected them to audit the votes and delete all of the extra votes though, not just ours.

The funny part is this same web site has tons of posts by the Hawaii fans talking about their different strategies for voting as many times as possible.  Then when someone else figures out what they are doing and levels the playing field they send in a complaint to Lowe's.  So they are all for cheating as long as it is working in their favor, but then when the tables are turned they cry foul.  Then come here and claim they weren't cheating in the first place.


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« Reply #227 on: May 03, 2012, 09:50:24 PM »

Please remember when you e-mail Lowe's to leave out the part about "I've been voting dozens of times each day and haven't seen the percentages change so dramatically."


Comment 144 from the same web page.

Laughing Laughing

I think I like some of these Hawaii folks.

I would have never even thought to do this had it not been obvious that they were voting multiple times per day.  Once I had a little time to look into it, it was not hard to do at all.

I'm pretty sure Cassie would do well in a legitimate contest considering the attendance at Alabama games (3000 to 4000 per game, breaking records several times) vs. attendance to Hawaii games (498 per game in 2010).

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« Reply #228 on: May 03, 2012, 09:54:13 PM »

Boycotting Lowe's is on folks .Big time voter fraud going on.


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« Reply #229 on: May 03, 2012, 09:56:28 PM »

Last Call, hold up on your boycott. I emailed Senior CLASS Award and this is the response from Laurie Bollig:

Thank you for your interest in the Lowe's Senior CLASS Award. We are aware of the issues with fan voting in softball. Please be assured that we are researching the voting history, and if we find that improper techniques were used to vote, we will adjust the totals accordingly. Please refer to the following link for voting terms and procedures: Click here for link.


Laurie Bollig

Cool.  They gave us the name of the person at Lowe's that responded to them.  Now maybe we should point out to Lowe's that they need to go back and take a look at the Hawaii votes too.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

I may send her a link to this topic.

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« Reply #230 on: May 03, 2012, 10:05:04 PM »

Don't the rules say you're only supposed to vote once per day? If so then everyone voting for Steph more than once per day is cheating. (Sugar-coat it all you want but that's what it is.) And now we're upset because Alabama has found a way to cheat more effectively. Hey, what do you expect from the SEC?

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« Reply #231 on: May 03, 2012, 10:05:41 PM »

No can complain about the voting. We stuffed the box...only thing is they stuffed the box better.

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« Reply #232 on: May 03, 2012, 10:14:51 PM »

Don't the rules say you're only supposed to vote once per day? If so then everyone voting for Steph more than once per day is cheating. (Sugar-coat it all you want but that's what it is.) And now we're upset because Alabama has found a way to cheat more effectively. Hey, what do you expect from the SEC?

Hey pot, meet kettle.  Laughing

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« Reply #233 on: May 03, 2012, 10:17:16 PM »

No can complain about the voting. We stuffed the box...only thing is they stuffed the box better.

is that the message forum bill gates invented in his garage ?

man that thing is tough to look at ...
what Huh?  1972 ?  73 ? maybe ?

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« Reply #234 on: May 03, 2012, 10:18:55 PM »


Aha!  Comment 150 on that page is where they found my post about the 35,000 votes.

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« Reply #235 on: May 03, 2012, 10:20:59 PM »

Don't the rules say you're only supposed to vote once per day? If so then everyone voting for Steph more than once per day is cheating. (Sugar-coat it all you want but that's what it is.) And now we're upset because Alabama has found a way to cheat more effectively. Hey, what do you expect from the SEC?

Hey pot, meet kettle.  Laughing

maybe they will bring up the way they JACKED Jessie around
 like they did too ?

naw ... I doubt it ... 

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« Reply #236 on: May 03, 2012, 10:24:56 PM »

After speaking with University of Hawaii media relations, it was confirmed thru their conversations with the Lowe's folks that they have CLEARED the softball voting of all ILLEGAL votes.

The percentages you see now, are all clean votes and the fact that Stephanie Ricketts is a large lead at 30+% after Lowe's cleared the illegal votes from all candidates, it is a testament to how Hawaii fans in Hawaii and on the mainland responded in support of Stephanie Ricketts.

This is fact direct from the people that manage the Lowe's Senior CLASS Award voting.

I don't think so.  I believe they missed quite a few illegal votes.  They only cleared the OBVIOUS ones that I sent in.

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« Reply #237 on: May 03, 2012, 10:25:32 PM »

Or maybe no one can auto vote any more and they deleted all of my votes but left everyone else's votes.  Let's see if their lead continues to increase or if it stays pretty much the same.  If they have closed all of the loop holes so that it requires a real person to vote Cassie might still win.  We are setting NCAA attendance records while those other schools only have around 500 people showing up at the games.

Just so you all understand the Hawaii fans have never used these auto vote programs, we do not cheat by voting more than once a day, all these votes you see are from our fans and supporters.  If we win that's great if we lose that's ok too, but we will do it on the up and up.  
He must've climbed a coconut tree where he could see all around. I sometimes kid the Hawaiians.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 10:29:38 PM by BAMAWV » Logged

If my standards are not high enough, kindly lower yours.
Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #238 on: May 03, 2012, 10:26:21 PM »

Thanks, gmahoney. Got eight of them, but I won't be announcing how I have been using them over the past month. For security reasons of course. Trojan horse in the house.

They are still cheating I see.  This must be the guy who had the original vote bot going.

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« Reply #239 on: May 03, 2012, 10:33:53 PM »

Or maybe no one can auto vote any more and they deleted all of my votes but left everyone else's votes.  Let's see if their lead continues to increase or if it stays pretty much the same.  If they have closed all of the loop holes so that it requires a real person to vote Cassie might still win.  We are setting NCAA attendance records while those other schools only have around 500 people showing up at the games.

Just so you all understand the Hawaii fans have never used these auto vote programs, we do not cheat by voting more than once a day, all these votes you see are from our fans and supporters.  If we win that's great if we lose that's ok too, but we will do it on the up and up. 
He must've climbed a coconut tree where he could see all around. I sometimes kid the Hawaiians.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

"The same thing win, that always won... and we just have a different bunch of excuses if we lose"
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