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Author Topic: Vote for Cassie Reilly-Boccia  (Read 108583 times)
Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #240 on: May 03, 2012, 10:35:05 PM »

Maybe it is time for IVFB II?  Wouldn't THAT be hilarious!!!

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Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #241 on: May 03, 2012, 11:52:06 PM »

I just sent this to Lowes:

Now that I have your attention... Smiley

I am the Alabama fan that created the softball voting bot.  I did this because it was obvious that the Hawaii folks were doing something similar, spiking several percentage points in the course of a day.  Once I looked into it, sure enough it was trivial to cast multiple votes in a single day.

Had I only wanted my team to win I would have simply stayed under the radar like the Hawaii folks were doing.  This would have been very easy to do as well.  In fact I did that for a day or two initially just to probe and see if you had the ability to stop it, or where even aware of it.  When nothing happened, that is when it became obvious what was going on with the Hawaii fans.

I knew casting 35,000 votes over the course of a couple of hours one night would get your attention, and that there would be an outcry from these same Hawaii fans who were doing the same thing or something similar.  And just to make sure this didn't go unnoticed, I documented all of this publicly on our website so it could be found with a simple google search.

My intention was to make it obvious to EVERYONE that the voting was not fair and hopefully level the playing field.  I see that I succeeded, although further action is still needed.

Anonymous internet voting can always be skewed.  In fact, it is still trivial to vote multiple times per day right now even after you closed the particular loophole that I was using to vote so quickly.

ESPN had a similar issue with Texas A&M fans recently when they had a poll to see what college campus they should come to and film a Game Day commercial.  Their solution was to reset all of the votes and require you to log in to Facebook to vote.  I would suggest a similar strategy if you intend to have a fair contest.

As it stands right now, your results still contain 1,000's of illegal votes by Hawaii and Cal.  The only fair thing to do would be to reset all votes to 0 and require a Facebook login or something similar.  An even simpler solution would be to log the votes by IP address and only allow one vote per address per day, although this would prevent some legitimate votes.

Who knows, with a fair vote, one of the girls that are currently in single digits might even be able to win.

I would be happy to assist you in this matter in any way that I can.  My only goal is to have a fair vote, which we still do not have at this time.

"The same thing win, that always won... and we just have a different bunch of excuses if we lose"

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« Reply #242 on: May 04, 2012, 12:00:17 AM »

Or maybe no one can auto vote any more and they deleted all of my votes but left everyone else's votes.  Let's see if their lead continues to increase or if it stays pretty much the same.  If they have closed all of the loop holes so that it requires a real person to vote Cassie might still win.  We are setting NCAA attendance records while those other schools only have around 500 people showing up at the games.

Just so you all understand the Hawaii fans have never used these auto vote programs, we do not cheat by voting more than once a day, all these votes you see are from our fans and supporters.  If we win that's great if we lose that's ok too, but we will do it on the up and up. 
He must've climbed a coconut tree where he could see all around. I sometimes kid the Hawaiians.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
I will ignore the slur, but you are correct that there where a few Hawaii fans that had voted more than once a day, the most that I know of was a few hundred.  When Lowes was contacted they corrected all duplicate votes including the one for the Hawaii girl, but if you want to believe that we are cheating then I suggest that you contact Lowes and let them know. If you would notice when they first made the correction to the total votes the Hawaii girl drop a few percentage points also, and that is because they threw out the duplicate votes for her also, I don't understand why the Alabama folks think that they have more softball fans then Hawaii has.  But as the voting goes on may the best player win.
Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #243 on: May 04, 2012, 12:11:51 AM »

Or maybe no one can auto vote any more and they deleted all of my votes but left everyone else's votes.  Let's see if their lead continues to increase or if it stays pretty much the same.  If they have closed all of the loop holes so that it requires a real person to vote Cassie might still win.  We are setting NCAA attendance records while those other schools only have around 500 people showing up at the games.

Just so you all understand the Hawaii fans have never used these auto vote programs, we do not cheat by voting more than once a day, all these votes you see are from our fans and supporters.  If we win that's great if we lose that's ok too, but we will do it on the up and up. 
He must've climbed a coconut tree where he could see all around. I sometimes kid the Hawaiians.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
I will ignore the slur, but you are correct that there where a few Hawaii fans that had voted more than once a day, the most that I know of was a few hundred.  When Lowes was contacted they corrected all duplicate votes including the one for the Hawaii girl, but if you want to believe that we are cheating then I suggest that you contact Lowes and let them know. If you would notice when they first made the correction to the total votes the Hawaii girl drop a few percentage points also, and that is because they threw out the duplicate votes for her also, I don't understand why the Alabama folks think that they have more softball fans then Hawaii has.  But as the voting goes on may the best player win.

You seem like a reasonable fan.  We only want a fair vote.  As I have proven, it only takes one guy with the appropriate computer skills to vote 35,000 times in a couple of hours.  I could have voted much more than that if I had wanted to.

The reason we think we have more softball fans, and the reason I became suspicious in the first place, is that we routinely have 3,000 to 4,000 fans at every home game.  A couple of weeks ago we set an NCAA attendance record of 3940 fans at a single game.  I checked a web site that has NCAA statistics on softball attendance and it said that Hawaii only had 498 fans per game in 2010, the last year that they had results for.  I then checked some box scores for some recent Hawaii games and it appeared the attendance range was around 500 to 1000 per game.  I believe I linked to the NCAA site earlier in this post somewhere if you care to take a look for yourself.

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« Reply #244 on: May 04, 2012, 12:53:44 AM »

Our friends from "The Islands' must be asking themselves why Bama fans would be so concerned with a "Lowe's contest", considering our success in women's softball and the unparalleled sports history of The University of Alabama as a whole. For all intents and purposes this is a trivial matter in the overall reach of college athletics. The answer is simply this-- Our athlete is better than your athlete and deserves to be recognized.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 12:55:44 AM by BAMAWV » Logged

If my standards are not high enough, kindly lower yours.
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« Reply #245 on: May 04, 2012, 02:10:56 AM »

This voting scheme is crazy. Never-the-less, I have been voting 'Honestly and Legally' since day 1, and will continue my efforts in support for Miss Cassie...
Coach Gene Stallings

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« Reply #246 on: May 04, 2012, 05:34:17 AM »

Thank you SC for what you did. The voting was skewed and had been skewed for quite awhile before any of the multiple voting was started by some Bama fans including me. Lowes didn't catch anyone doing anything, it was Hawaii that alerted them as to what was going on by us so I don't feel bad about getting caught at anything, but I do have a problem with someone turning us in for something that they started and was doing the same thing.

Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right. The year that they came to Tuscaloosa and beat us with a last inning home run to knock Bama out of a trip to the College World Series is something I will always remember. They led the nation in home runs that year but was found to have been using a "hot" bat, composite material, to accomplish this feat.

None of this would have happened had Hawaii and California not started their schemes and then opened Lowes eyes to someone that that was cheating better than they were. I am with you on cleaning the slate and starting the voting over but Lowes needs to do a better job of monitoring anyone doing multiple voting and not have to depend on a cheater to turn another cheater in. JMO  Wink


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« Reply #247 on: May 04, 2012, 07:39:56 AM »


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« Reply #248 on: May 04, 2012, 09:55:55 AM »

Thank you SC for what you did. The voting was skewed and had been skewed for quite awhile before any of the multiple voting was started by some Bama fans including me. Lowes didn't catch anyone doing anything, it was Hawaii that alerted them as to what was going on by us so I don't feel bad about getting caught at anything, but I do have a problem with someone turning us in for something that they started and was doing the same thing.

Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right. The year that they came to Tuscaloosa and beat us with a last inning home run to knock Bama out of a trip to the College World Series is something I will always remember. They led the nation in home runs that year <b>but was found to have been using a "hot" bat, composite material, to accomplish this feat</b>.

None of this would have happened had Hawaii and California not started their schemes and then opened Lowes eyes to someone that that was cheating better than they were. I am with you on cleaning the slate and starting the voting over but Lowes needs to do a better job of monitoring anyone doing multiple voting and not have to depend on a cheater to turn another cheater in. JMO  Wink

That sir is not true, we used the same bat as a lot of other schools used, and for your information the bat that was used to hit that homerun was taken by the NCAA which in turn was cut up so that they could indeed inspect it, there was nothing found illegal about the bat.  I understand how upset you are in the fact that you got beat by a lowly school out in the middle of the ocean but the fact is you did and you can't handle it, but that's cool also. 

I also resent the fact that you spread rumors that Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right, if you proof of this please tell us???

One thing about the number of fans, you are correct that our attendance is an average of about 900 fans, but you must understand that all of our home game are televised throughout the state and live steamed back to the mainland, the stats show that all games have a viewer-ship of about 250,000 viewers and another 25,000 to 30,000 who watch the live stream, so say just half of those vote just once a day you may see why our player has the numbers she has.  But we all agree that we want nothing but an honest vote.
President Denny

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« Reply #249 on: May 04, 2012, 10:47:44 AM »

Thank you SC for what you did. The voting was skewed and had been skewed for quite awhile before any of the multiple voting was started by some Bama fans including me. Lowes didn't catch anyone doing anything, it was Hawaii that alerted them as to what was going on by us so I don't feel bad about getting caught at anything, but I do have a problem with someone turning us in for something that they started and was doing the same thing.

Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right. The year that they came to Tuscaloosa and beat us with a last inning home run to knock Bama out of a trip to the College World Series is something I will always remember. They led the nation in home runs that year <b>but was found to have been using a "hot" bat, composite material, to accomplish this feat</b>.

None of this would have happened had Hawaii and California not started their schemes and then opened Lowes eyes to someone that that was cheating better than they were. I am with you on cleaning the slate and starting the voting over but Lowes needs to do a better job of monitoring anyone doing multiple voting and not have to depend on a cheater to turn another cheater in. JMO  Wink

That sir is not true, we used the same bat as a lot of other schools used, and for your information the bat that was used to hit that homerun was taken by the NCAA which in turn was cut up so that they could indeed inspect it, there was nothing found illegal about the bat.  I understand how upset you are in the fact that you got beat by a lowly school out in the middle of the ocean but the fact is you did and you can't handle it, but that's cool also.  

I also resent the fact that you spread rumors that Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right, if you proof of this please tell us???

One thing about the number of fans, you are correct that our attendance is an average of about 900 fans, but you must understand that all of our home game are televised throughout the state and live steamed back to the mainland, the stats show that all games have a viewer-ship of about 250,000 viewers and another 25,000 to 30,000 who watch the live stream, so say just half of those vote just once a day you may see why our player has the numbers she has.  But we all agree that we want nothing but an honest vote.

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Smoke, meet fire.

The poster children for the home run explosion are the Hawaii Wahine, who homered their way to the World Series while using an outdated, 2005-model Easton Stealth bat. Since composite bats - made of carbon fibers instead of alloys like aluminum - hit balls harder and farther as they break in with more use, those bats had aged like a bottle of fine Pinot noir wine.

"It was just too old," Alabama coach Patrick Murphy said of the bat model Hawaii used. "The more you used it, the hotter it got.

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« Reply #250 on: May 04, 2012, 11:07:54 AM »


back in the late 1930's early 1940's , did Hawaii ever play Japan in softball ?


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Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #251 on: May 04, 2012, 11:11:51 AM »

We got caught because I wasn't trying to hide it.  I could have easily gone undetected if I had wanted too.  In fact I have no doubt that there is still at least one other way to do this, and they would not be able to distinguish between real votes vs. illegal votes.  And who is to say that I vote for Cassie with this new scheme?  A better approach might be to vote for the Hawaii girl, or even some other girl, then once the contest is over post the source code and how I did it as proof that the contest was never fair to begin with.  That would be a marketing/PR nightmare for Lowe's if that happened, especially considering that they know the voting isn't fair and chose not to do anything about it.  Even worse, they helped skew the results by deleting illegal votes for some schools but not others.

I know the people from Lowe's have visited this site.  The Hawaii people sent them a link to this post.  All we want is a FAIR contest.  If the rules say that you can only vote once per day, then we expect that to be enforced equally among all schools.  The Hawaii fans have admitted to voting 100's of times per day.  And even right now there is nothing stopping them or anyone else from continuing to vote as many times as they want as long as you are willing to type in the captcha code.  All I did was make it obvious to everyone that the voting was never fair. 

There are many Bama fans who will only vote once per day because that is the rule, regardless of what everyone else is doing.  If you are going to allow people to vote all they want and not do anything about it, then you need to change the rule so that ALL fans can do the same thing, especially those who would never break the rules in the first place.  The way the contest is setup now it punishes the honest fans and allows the cheaters to win.

It really doesn't bother me one bit if we lost in a fair contest.  That happens every day.  But it burns me up to see an Alabama girl lose because the other school is clearly cheating (and even admitted to it), and the people running the contest looked the other way because they lacked the technical expertise to stop them.

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« Reply #252 on: May 04, 2012, 11:26:22 AM »

I know the people from Lowe's have visited this site

 Laughing Laughing Laughing

Arthur Blank is my Brother in laws neighbor   Lips Sealed

so if I post this on FB and BIL reads it and yell's across the fence to
Art in his backyard , happens to mention that Lowes is having the suck ...
and poor little college softball players are getting the wienie because of it ...

 would that be cool ?


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Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #253 on: May 04, 2012, 12:08:13 PM »

I know the people from Lowe's have visited this site

 Laughing Laughing Laughing

Arthur Blank is my Brother in laws neighbor   Lips Sealed

so if I post this on FB and BIL reads it and yell's across the fence to
Art in his backyard , happens to mention that Lowes is having the suck ...
and poor little college softball players are getting the wienie because of it ...

 would that be cool ?


Laughing Laughing

That would be funny indeed.

"The same thing win, that always won... and we just have a different bunch of excuses if we lose"
Coach Bear Bryant

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« Reply #254 on: May 04, 2012, 12:13:54 PM »

Thank you SC for what you did. The voting was skewed and had been skewed for quite awhile before any of the multiple voting was started by some Bama fans including me. Lowes didn't catch anyone doing anything, it was Hawaii that alerted them as to what was going on by us so I don't feel bad about getting caught at anything, but I do have a problem with someone turning us in for something that they started and was doing the same thing.

Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right. The year that they came to Tuscaloosa and beat us with a last inning home run to knock Bama out of a trip to the College World Series is something I will always remember. They led the nation in home runs that year <b>but was found to have been using a "hot" bat, composite material, to accomplish this feat</b>.

None of this would have happened had Hawaii and California not started their schemes and then opened Lowes eyes to someone that that was cheating better than they were. I am with you on cleaning the slate and starting the voting over but Lowes needs to do a better job of monitoring anyone doing multiple voting and not have to depend on a cheater to turn another cheater in. JMO  Wink

That sir is not true, we used the same bat as a lot of other schools used, and for your information the bat that was used to hit that homerun was taken by the NCAA which in turn was cut up so that they could indeed inspect it, there was nothing found illegal about the bat.  I understand how upset you are in the fact that you got beat by a lowly school out in the middle of the ocean but the fact is you did and you can't handle it, but that's cool also. 

I also resent the fact that you spread rumors that Hawaii has a track record already for doing some things that aren't just right, if you proof of this please tell us???

One thing about the number of fans, you are correct that our attendance is an average of about 900 fans, but you must understand that all of our home game are televised throughout the state and live steamed back to the mainland, the stats show that all games have a viewer-ship of about 250,000 viewers and another 25,000 to 30,000 who watch the live stream, so say just half of those vote just once a day you may see why our player has the numbers she has.  But we all agree that we want nothing but an honest vote.

You raise an excellent point about the TV viewership.  I had not considered that.  I don't live in the Tuscaloosa area, so I really can't speak about the local TV audience.  However I do know that I have watched our girls on ESPN several times this year though.  In fact they will be on ESPN2 tonight and ESPNU tomorrow if I am not mistaken.  You can routinely catch an Alabama softball game on TV from pretty much anywhere in the world.  If ya'll get ESPN out there you should check out the Bama/Florida series this weekend that will determine the SEC champ.  It should be a good series.

"The same thing win, that always won... and we just have a different bunch of excuses if we lose"
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