Thanks for having this site and when I signed up my cousin here he enjoyed it until his last day. G. was an avid Alabama fan and Veteran and he left this world on March 14, 2011. While he spent his last days in Birmingham at UAB and Veterans's hospital he asked me to hook him up with an Alabama site. We both had been on TS for awhile and someone told me about CRS. Thank you all for being who you are. G. enjoying lurking and reading your post since he was mostly unable to type. Some of us and/or nurses and doctors would help him log in here. He worried about not being able to post back and tell you all how much he enjoying staying up to date on Alabama news and read the posts. When he left for heaven he was dressed in his Alabama football shirt with his Alabama cap on his lap. I am sure he was met with a huge Roll Tide.
Welcome, #1. That was a very touching story. Since I can't tell him personally, I will say to you thank you for your cousin's service and sacrifice for our country. He is receiving his reward in Paradise today. Look forward to talking with you in the future.